"You need to shower"

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        A loud knock on my front door ripped me off of my gaze from the tv

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        A loud knock on my front door ripped me off of my gaze from the tv. 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' was on repeat after its premiere and I was watching it religiously. (Its a movie from 1985 if u haven't seen it hop on that shit) It was around 12 at night and my parents were luckily at my Aunts house for the weekend. I quietly walked to the front door and peeped through the window. A very dazed Steve Harrington was sitting crisscross on my porch picking at my dads freshly planted flowers. I hurriedly opened the door and caught the boys attention. Receiving a drunken smile from him and he scrambled up from his seated position.

"Heyyy beautiful!" Steve slurred and I shushed my delirious friend frantically. He put a finger to his lips and mimicked my actions with a laugh. I decided it was best to ignore his compliment within the greeting. Steve was a flirty person, and alcohol only multiplied said trait.

"Steve have you ever heard of neighbors? We have lots of them so quiet." I warned and he nodded with a smirk as he stumbled inside without waiting for an invite.

"My parents are gone y/n, off to who knows where on one of dads business trips. But you know what's still at the house? The liquorrrr canineetttttt!" The boy cheered and I rolled my eyes at his drunken excitement. The taller brunette patted his back pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes with a satisfied smile. Placing one between his lips and reaching for his lighter rested in his shirt pocket.

"Are you out of your mind, smoking in my house Harrington?" I scolded as I ripped the rolled paper from his mouth. The boy chuckled before pulling another one from behind his ear.

"You sound like my mom."

"And you sound like an idiot, give me that." I reached for the cigarette that danced on his lips as he spoke. I wanted to deny the fact that he looked good smoking. But between the strand of hair hanging over his forehead, the sly smirk, and the honey brown eyes illuminated with the light of the flame I would definitely be lying if I said he didn't look good. But you know what combats my hormones? Lung cancer. I snapped out of my gaze when he grabbed my wrist that was going to pull the bud from his mouth. Poking my side to get me to laugh. I managed to grab the bud anyway and wriggle out of his grip before he could try further. I crinkled my nose and stifled a gag at the scent emitting from him due to our close proximity.

"Jesus did you fall into a sewer before you got here?" I spoke through holding my nose. He ran a hand through his hair and pulled his shirt to his nose to smell it, gagging at the scent.

"Oh, I may have thrown up on the way h-here." He hiccuped as I groaned. I grabbed his hand and began to drag him upstairs.

"Wh-where are we going?"

"You need to shower."

"Oh fun!" Steve chimed from behind me, he wobbled on the steps and I quickly put my arms under his to keep him steady. Now making our way a bit slower to the upstairs bathroom.

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