"Wanna Bet?"

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First off, we will not be discussing Joe Keery's...Haircut if that's what you'd like to call it. I'd call it my very own personal nightmare but it's all good Bc it was just a bad dream and it didn't actually happen. And I'm not gonna look at any pictures or any tweets Bc it hurts too much. But go listen to his new album Twenty Twenty anyway.


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Mr. Brenner slept soundly on his desk chair as the lights in our history of film class were off. Seeing as it was last period he usually just threw on a movie and didn't even ask us to take notes. To say the class was easy was an understatement. Not to mention, Steve Harrington was seated next to me and usually bugged me the entire time. 16 Candles, though a new movie had somehow made it in the list of movies we'd be watching that year. Half the class was hunched over on their desks fast asleep, but the constant whispering of the brunette beside me kept me from getting some shut eye this period.

    "Did he just tell the nerdy kid he could have sex with his girlfriend because she's too drunk to tell the difference between them?" He whispered with furrowed brows. I slowly nodded, coming to realize just how messed up some of the dialogue really was.

"Geez, that's pretty shitty." He added with boredom lacing his tone. I mean he had a point, if you really paid attention to everything the male characters were saying and doing the whole movie seems like they should be convicted of at least one crime.


"So that's it? He just gets the girl?" I questioned exasperated as we gathered out bags and headed towards the door at the sound of the bell.

"What do you mean that's it? I thought it was great!" Steve argued as he held the door and waited for me to walk out.

"Since when do you actually watch movies?"

"Since I learned we're quizzed on them at the end of the week."

"Since when do you care about your grades?"

"Since my douchebag of a dad has been up my ass about them. Anyways that's besides the point, you're missing all the romance!" He defended enthusiastically as I gathered my things from my locker, ignoring the confused looks we were receiving from our classmates. It's not like I was expected to be seen with the Steve Harrington, so I figured they took it as a surprise. And by the dirty looks from my female peers, not a very good surprise at that. His continuous argument snapped me from my anxious thoughts as he shut my locker door for me and led me to the parking lot.

"Romance? Didn't take you as that type of guy Harrington." I teased with a quirked eyebrow as he rolled his eyes.

"I know, you'd figure the charming demeanor and irresistible looks would have girls swept off their feet without me even trying. Which is a common occurrence...Except the real romantic efforts are for the girls that are really worth it." He replied whilst wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. I playfully rolled my eyes at his cockiness and crossed my arms before responding.

"Right, nothing more romantic than a guy who's head is so far up his ass he can barely walk straight." His eyebrows furrowed at my comment, before upturning slightly into a sly smile.

"I can be romantic if I want to."

"Sureeee Harrington."

"Wanna bet?" He offered, my heart fluttering at his daring smirk and tall figure leaned up against my car.

"How?" I inquired adjusting my backpack strap with raised brows.

"Let me take you out tonight, and if I don't woo you with my skills and prove to you romance isn't dead and cliche I win."

"Win what?"

"Another date." He challenged slyly as I did my best to stop my cheeks from burning red.

"And if I win?"

"Don't worry about it, you're not going to. I'll pick you up at 8." He replied quickly and shooting me a wink before walking off to his car smugly.

"Holy shit. Am I dreaming or did Steve Harrington just ask you out?" Jenny beamed as she hurried towards the passenger side door of my car.

"Should I be offended?"

"Sorry, I shouldn't sound so surprised. He's always staring at you in the hallways...And I could have sworn I heard him talking about you to Dustin-"


"Nothing y/n, doesn't matter. We have an outfit to pick out." She ordered as she hopped into the car excitedly.

"I think we're both totally dreaming Jen."

Fuck sophomore year, and school in general. Anyways hope you guys have a good week! Love you bitches!


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