Senior Trip pt.5

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Okay imma dumb dumb and didn't realize Universal Studios opened in 1990 so excuse my headass tendencies. Anyways let's just say the seniors going to Disneyyyyy from now on! Also let's pretend some of the rides mentioned were around at this time lol.

      So what ride next?" I asked looking around the busy restaurant of Epcot curiously

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      So what ride next?" I asked looking around the busy restaurant of Epcot curiously. Ignoring the pieces of popcorn being tossed at me from across the table.

"Would you quit it Harrington?" I laughed chucking a stray French fry at his head, pursing my lips as he caught it gingerly with his mouth.

"No more roller coasters for me." The boy ordered as he looked around at the various families and tourist amusedly. Many sporting Mickey ears and strollers as they awaited their food.

"Buzz light year is hardly a rollercoaster."

"It spins a lot okay?" His voice became high pitches in defense and I let out a soft chuckle at his words.

"Cmon we have a lot more rides to get too Harrington."

"That's if my feet don't fall off."

"Still at the happiest place on Earth Mr. attitude."

"Right, let me go get my Mickey ears and magic wand so we can really enjoy the magic of Disney!" The boy replied in a high pitched tone, sarcasm lacing his excited demeanor.

"You're an ass."


Another long day after the antics of going to and from the amusement park. Admittedly each day going on rides with my friends was a blast though. It really has been a great trip so far. I smiled at the thought as I stepped off the bus following the large group of seniors in front and behind me.

"No party tonight guys?" I asked curiously to my friends who had just gotten off the bus and headed into their hotel rooms.

"Unfortunately no, I think we're all laying low after yesterday. I think tomorrow there'll be one." Jenny explained as Shara and Brooke nodded in agreement.

"Hey we didn't get to hang out that much last night guys." Cassie added to which we all nodded.

"Right, let's all hang in our hotel room for a bit yeah?" Brooke suggested and we all agreed once more.

"You mind if I take a walk real quick to the pool guys?" I questioned as Sofia smirked.

"Thinking a certain someone might be hanging around there?" Jenny teased with a quirked eyebrow as I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe? Listen, I don't want to blow you guys off or-" I confessed before Cassie rolled her eyes before interrupting.

"Please we all see each other so much I think our periods have permanently synced up." She joked as the group and I laughed at her observation.

"Go get your man Mrs. Harrington." Brooke urged as she pushed my shoulder down towards the elevator. I waved them off giddily as they walked into the hotel room happily. Each of them offering me teasing looks as they disappeared into the room. Boy do I love my headasses

I shook my head with a grin at the thought of my friend group, my heart swelling at their encouraging words. I truly did have an amazing group of idiots to fall back on when I needed. The elevator doors opened as I was steered with the lobbyist at the desk. The two of us offering each other small smiles before continuing our own thing. I walked out of the building towards the pool area with my heart racing. I'm not sure why but I was really excited to see Steve. Just the thought of him made my heart skip a beat and my stomach flip. Geez I'm really crushing on this kid. I smirked at the thought and let out a breath as I reached the pool area gate. Opening it softly and stepping into the large pool area. The blue glow again illuminating the dark night atmosphere.

My smile soon faded at the sight before me. A few of my classmates were gathered near the pool drinking and talking softly. Just a few of my peers were there, but that's not what I was worried about.

Vanessa Hemmings has her hand in a very familiar head of hair, her lips attached to a very familiar boy.

Steve. Fucking. Harrington.

I let my heart crush into a million pieces at the sight. Quite literally cringing at the pain in my chest. Warm tears quickly brimming in the corners of my eyes. So I guess I really do like him...Correction, liked him.

Tears streamed down my face at the thought as I turned on my heel towards the gate. Hurriedly rushing out of the pool area and letting the gate slam behind me. Not caring about the loud noise and if any of those by the pool would hear.


DRAMA! Honestly not expected how this series would turn but I low key like it. Don't worry, more coming very soon. In fact I'm probably writing the next part while you're reading this. Or if you're late to the update then it's already out. Either way hope you enjoyed, sorry updates have been slow but like I said with school I may just be restrained to writing on weekends smh. Love you bitches!

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