Chapter 27.

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* Aiken *

I woke up in pure bliss. I felt more rested then I had in a long time. Looking on my chest, I saw the reason why. Eva, had her head resting on me, with her leg thrown over mine. She looked adorable with her hair a mess. I couldn't help myself as I brushed a strand away from her face. I have never slept in a bed with a girl all night before. Hell, I had never slept, in the sense of sleeping, with a girl at all. Eva was the first and it wasn't even sexual. It was relaxing. She was different. In a good way of course. She never let anyone walk all over her, excluding her parents. She held her head high, and dealt with things as the came. And she was strong. The strongest girl I had ever met, and I envied her for that. What someone would have to go through, to become as strong as her was heartbreaking. I remember her words the day we fought at the hospital, about having everything taken from her at force. I figured I could take a pretty good guess, and have it figured all out what she meant, and that just pissed me off. I curled my fists tight thinking about it. She didn't have to say the words outright, the way she spoke and the look in her eyes said it all. She thought she had nothing to give anyone. But she was completely wrong. She still had everything. She wasn't ruined. Having things taken from her by force, she gave them nothing. Not a single part of her, and she would need to realize that to move on from it. Life was a shitty thing.

I looked down, feeling eyes on me. "Morning sleeping beauty!" I said with a hint of amusement. Her cheeks went beat red as she tried to sheild her face. I wrapped my hand around her chin, making it to where she was facing me.

"Don't hide, princess."

"Ugh," she groaned, her embarrassment forgotten, "princess is just as bad as Barbie!"

I shook my head, "No it's not. When I said Barbie I meant it as an insult. When I call you princess, I mean it as an endearment." I replied honestly. She blushed again, but didn't turn away.

"Shhh, I'm going back to sleep. Don't move, you're too comfortable. "

I laughed to myself, "Yes ma'am! " Before closing my eyes, and joining her.


* Eva *

I woke up to the sound of giggling. What the fuck? Opening my eyes, I saw I was still laying on Aiken's chest. Hearing the click of a camera, I tuned towards the door.

"Morning! Don't mind me! I was just taking pictures of how cute ya'll looked!" Michelle's whole face was lit up in a smile.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Aren't you supposed to be mad, when you walk into your son's room, and there is a girl in his bed?"

She waved her hand in air dismissively. "No, it you. Plus it's never happened before. He always knew not to bring his girls home. If he wanted to do anything with them, it was anywhere but here."

I shook my head in understanding, but felt a jolt of jealousy run through my veins of thinking about him with another woman. Of course, he had been with girls. I already knew that. Hell, it was told he got around quite a bit. But hearing about it brought up feelings I didn't know I had. It was past caring. I wouldn't be jealous of someone I just cared about. But I would be if it was someone I liked. Well, shit!

"Are you okay sweetie, you look you are having an internal battle of some kind?" Crap, I forgot she was still there.

"I'm fine, thanks. I just figured something out, that's all."

"Alright, well if you say so. I was just coming up to tell ya'll breakfast was ready. You can have the pleasure of waking mister grumpy up. He's usually not a morning person. That will be your consequence every time you sleep in here," she laughed then sent me a wink before sauntering out the door.

Rolling back over, I laid my head back where it was originally and started tracing his abs. I could get used to this. He groaned before grabbing my hand.

"You might not want to do that, sweetheart." He stated while yawning.

"Well that was easier than I thought! Your mom said that waking you up was going to be my punishment every time I slept in here. I thought it'd be more difficult that that," I giggled. "Oh, breakfast is ready!" I jumped out of the bed before dashing to my room. Aiken's laughter echoed through the hallway.

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