Chapter 1.

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The punch to my stomach made me double over in pain. Getting hit was a daily occurrence, but I can honestly say you never get used to that type of blow. It knocks the breath out of you and most of the time sends you to your knees.

"Eva, get up and do it right! I want this house spotless before school tomorrow. And don't forget to be home as soon as shool ends, you have shit to do when you get here."

I looked up at my mother, her fiery red hair flailing around her heart shaped face making her look like a mad man, with her green crazed eyes. Lowering my head, I answered a simple, "Yes ma'am," turning to walk away, knowing I had been dismissed. Grabbing the wash cloth, I thought about everything that my life had become. Nothing has changed much since I was a kid. It was always the same stuff, different day. I'm not going to lie to myself, my life is hell. I know that, but I don't let it define who I am. I've learned over the years that no matter what I do, I will get hit. So I just do the best I can and make it through the day. My parents are smart. They never go for my face or arms, but my stomach, back, and legs are fair game to them. I brought myself back to the present as I heard the front door open then close. My father was home.

I watched through my peripheral vision as he walked into the kitchen. "Drink, now!" He ordered, stomping back the way he came. I sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long night.

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