Chapter 28.

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* Eva *

Things stayed that way for awhile. I started sleeping in Aiken's bed every night, and he didn't have any more nightmares. He was looking better too because of that. His skin had returned to his natural color and he no longer had bags under his eyes. He had deprived himself of sleep for so long, he didn't even know how much of a toll it was taking on him.

Days turned to weeks. And weeks turned to months. My ribs were now fully healed, and I had received my GED. Aiken got his too. Since he had missed so much school staying with me in the hospital and the first week home with me, it was either that, or retake Senior year. My parents were convicted with a sentence of 25 - life. Trent Heeves was also found guilty and given the same sentence. The Thompson's had became my family. Michelle and Marcus had completely taken over the company like I wanted, but wouldn't let me just give it to them for free, so instead, they bought it instead. I sold the house, not wanting to have any part of it. Things were looking up.

I had also realized that I had completely fallen in love with Aiken. He was amazing. He never pushed me to do anything, in fact we haven't kissed since that time at the hospital. I knew he loved me to but there was still one thing holding me back. Aiken didn't know about Trent. Michelle and Marcus did everything they could to keep all of the court stuff under the radar. And so far it had worked. So he didn't have a clue, how could he love me knowing that I had nothing to give him. I was ruined, disgusting!

I'm leaving today. Doing what I said I wanted. I had so much money saved up, that I didn't have to worry about a thing for probably the rest of my life. I'll give my parents that, they knew how to save money. We were all on our way to the airport right now. I hadn't decided where I wanted to go first. I wanted to travel around before I deciced what I wanted to go to school for, and do with the rest of my life. I wanted to feel free, before throwing myself back into the real world. I deserved as much.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness run over me though. I was leaving people I loved behind. Michelle and Marcus had become parents to me these past 6 months. They had done more for me in the past 6 months than my parents did my whole 18 years. They were wonderful people. And Aiken. Aiken had become some way more to me. I think he still wonders if I will ever feel the same way but it's impossible not too. He taught me how to fight, live and love. He has showed me things, that I would have never known of without him. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and tells me he loves me every night before we fall asleep, and doesn't get mad at me for not having the guts to say it back. His patience is astounding. But he deserves better than me. I know that. He deserves someone who isn't broken inside. Someone who can love with all they have.

Walking into the airport I noticed Aiken had disappeared. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wonder wher he could of gone. Looking at all the flights and times I decided really quickly where I wanted to go. I turned to tell them but wanted to wait for Aiken to get back.

"Aiken said to go on without us, he'd find us soon." Marcus read my mind.

I walked to the lady at the front desk telling her which flight I wanted to take. Gave her all of my information, then started going through security to head towards my gate. Looking around, I started second guessing myself. I didn't want to leave the people I love behind. But more importantly, I didn't want to leave Aiken. If he was to ask me to stay, I would. But I knew him better than that, he'd never ask me to put off something I've always wanted to do. I wish I had the guts to just tell him everything and beg for him to come with me, but he had a life he needed to live. I wasn't going to be the one bringing him down.

We got to our gave 10 minutes before boarding time, and I started getting really upset. Where was he? He wouldn't seriously let me leave without saying goodbye. I started getting really fidgety when the 5 minute mark hit. Feeling someone tap on my shoulder I turned and came face to face with Aiken.

I stood up and marched around the chairs to him, poking him in the chest, I tried not to raise my voice. "Where in the hell have you been? I thought you were going to make me leave without saying goodbye, how could you..."

I was cut off as hs lips were suddenly on mine. Moaning, I lost sense of everything. It was even better then I last remember. Kissing me, three more times he pulled away.

"Will you shut up already? I have something to say, and you are going to stand there and listen. No interrupting or I will make you miss your flight, understand?"

I saw the seriousness is his eyes and nodded.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it. I love you. Now, I know you don't feel the same way but I am a selfish man," I opened my mouth the tell him the truth when he stopped me, "I said no interrupting! Now, like I was saying, I am selfish. But I'm not going to ask you to stay here and leave your dream behind. But what I am going to ask is, let me come with you? It will be more fun with two people instead of one, and plus I can be fun to hang out, and..."

This time it was my turn to cut him off. "Your wrong."

"..I know I can be ... Wait. What?"

"I said your wrong," he looked confused about what I was talking about, "Your wrong about a lot of things actually. I do love you Aiken. I have for awhile, there's just some things you don't know about me, and we would just never work."

"Is this about the secret that every one think I don't know, but do anyway?"

I was taken away. "What?" I almost screamed.

"Eva, I've known. I've known since you were still in the hospital. Hell, you basically told me right before I told you I l loved you. It changes nothing." He paused letting it sink in.

"Aiken, it changes everything," I was really trying to keep myself under control.

"It only does, because you let it. Nothing has been taken from you Eva. You did not freely give anyone anything, therefore everything is still yours to give. Stop looking at the worst outcome of everything that could happen. I love you, Eva. And right now, the fact that you actually love me too, is the only thing that matters to me. Why can't it to you?"

I thought about everything he said, and decided he was right. About everything. God, I hate it when he does that! Grabbing his face, I kissed him passionately. I let go though when I heard a snap of a camera.

"Damn it, mom! Stop doing that," Aiken complained.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I can't help it. They are about to call ya'lls flight, give us a hug."

We gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before walking to back to our gate hand in hand.

"Flight to Paris, France is now boarding. I repeat flight to Paris, France is now boarding.

Getting in line, I turned to Aiken. "So this is what yu were doing when you left me freaking out, worried I wouldn't get to say goodbye?"

"Sorry, princess. I just couldn't let you leave without me, what can I say, I'm a selfish man!"

I laughed, turning around, we waved to our parents and boarded the plane that would take us on the adventure of our life!


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