Chapter 25.

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* Aiken *

When I walked into Eva's house. Everything seemed normal, besides her not coming to the door when I knocked. But as soon as I heard a scream, I took off through the house in search of her. The kitchen made me stop in my tracks. It was absolutely destoyed. Dishes were broken all over the floor, chairs were overturned, even one was broken. I heard another scream, making me bolt for the stairs, hoping she was in her room. When I reached the top, a blood curdling scream echoed throughout the house. Busting through her door, she was in tears sinking to the ground. I rushed to her, and barely grabbed her in time before she hit the ground.

Watching her now, asleep in my arms, I wrapped my arms more tightly around her small frame. She looked so fragile. Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I texted mom letting her know I wouldn't be coming home tonight. Eva needed me right me. She was still breaking, and shouldn't have to deal with it alone. Since I had turned 18 before school started, my parents basically let me do what I want within reason. And when it came to Eva, they would let me do anything. I think it was because they knew I was in love with her before I did. I wondering if she felt the same, or even close to the same way as I did. Hell, she sure kissed like she did. I wouldn't push her though. Or even bring it up again for that matter. She had a lot going on, and I didn't need to add to that.

She stirred in my arms, raising her head just the slightest.  "Thank you." She whispered before snuggling back in my arms.

"For what," I asked.

"This. Being here. Staying with me at the hospital. I've never known what it was like to be cared for. I mean, I do because of Kelly. But this is different, you even skipped school to stay. Thank you for that."

"You don't have to thank me for caring for you Eva. You deserve it, you deserve everything you want in life."

"Well thanks anyways. It really means a lot Aiken. All of this. Your family is wonderful. You are very lucky."

"I know I am, but Eva..." I paused, she simply nodded to let me know she was still listening. "They could be your family too. My parents, they look at you like they look at me. They wouldn't of done everything they did for you, if they didn't. Yes, they would of cared, but they wouldn't of gone to your parents and fought for you like they did. They even offered our house to you, filled your house with food. They love you Eva, they have ever since you came to the house. They would bug me asking when you were coming over again. You may not see it, or think it because of what you have been through, but people do love you, Eva. My parents, Kelly, even me. Even though all of us love you in a different way, it's still love. You just have to open your heart up to it." I finished.

I looked down at her, seeing a small smile, and a tear roll down her cheek. Lifting my hand, I softly wiped it away.

"I'm leaving," she said next.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going, but I need to get away for awhile. I need to leave this house too. The memories here are just too much. I'm giving the company to your parents, if they will take it. I want to do something else with my life. I will never follow in their footsteps. And I'm not going back to school. I will just get my GED. I need this for myself."

"I understand." I whispered. And I did understand, but it didn't mean I liked it. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay but for the wrong reasons. I was selfish. I just admitted to myself and her about how I felt, and I wasn't ready to let that go yet. Not when I had her in my arms right now. But I wouldn't say it. I wouldn't do that to her.

"You can come stay at my house until you decide to leave if you want. There will always be an extra room for you. And plus my parents would love to have you there." What I said was true. But I wanted her there more. If she was leaving, then I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could. There I go, being selfish again. "But, if you don't want to. That's alright. They will understand." I smiled down at her.

"I can do that. As long as you are sure that they are okay with it. I don't want to impose." She second guessed herself.

"Eva, I promise. If you don't believe me, you can call and talk to them." I laughed

"I believe you. Let me just grab some things. And then we can go."

"Alright, do you need any help? Your rooms kinda a mess," I tried to joke.

She chuckled,  but shook her head. "I'm not really worried about it right now. I'm just going to grab what's necessary," she seemed a lot more chipper, "Is it weird that I'm excited for this? I've never stayed anywhere but here before. This is will fun!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm. She looked like a little child, about to get a sucker. I pulled my phone and let my dad know we would be over soon, and that Eva was going to be staying with us for awhile. I immediately got a reply saying that he was glad, and mom was having a hayday running around the house trying to get everything perfect for her. This was going to be something else.

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