Chapter 13.

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* Eva *

I was dreading today. First period was going to be hell. I just knew it. Aiken was going to laugh in my face and say something along the lines of, "Barbie,  it's just all part of the game."

Well I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. I decided I was going to beat him to the punch. Raising my head defiantly, I marched my way into the classroom. Mrs. Smith was typing away on her computer like always, ignoring everyone in the room. Looking for my target, I spotted him leaned over his desk, with his head resting on the top, looking passed out. Goody! Time for a piece of his own medicine. Sneaking over to him, I pushed and waited for the impact.

"What the fuck?" He bellowed, searching for the culprit.

I gasped when his eyes met mine. He had black circles under his eyes, and looked like he hadn't had a wink of sleep last night. Quickly covering up my surprise, I smirked. "Who looks like shit now?"

"Shut it Barbie.  I don't need to deal with your shit today. I got enough crap to handle. Now run along and do whatever you, perfect bitches do and let me be."

"Perfect? Why do you keep referring my life to perfect, you don't know a damn thing about my life Thompson. "

"Ha, give me a little credit, princess. Hell I think even a blind man could see it. I don't know why you get so snappy about it. Just by looking at you, you can tell you get everything you ask for. And if that doesn't seal the deal, then opening your mouth sure would. Never I have I met such a girl that was so stuck up. I mean, I bet your parents even have a problem with it. Who would want a stuck up child?"

He was starting to get too close for comfort. No I wasn't this stuck up, rich kid, who got everything they asked. But bringing my parents into this and saying those things were wrong. Because even though he got the reason wrong. He had the other part right. They didn't want me, and made sure I knew that every day. I laughed to keep from crying.

"You're right, asshole. No parent wants a stuck up child. But here you are acting as if you are better than me. Now tell me, whose acting worse?"

"Whatever Barbie. Just get out of my face. Seeing you is going to make my day ten times worse."

I decided to listen to him. Because if I stayed here, then he would keep going with the harsh comments. I can't let him win. I've been walked all over my whole life and told I was nothing. I just want to win this to prove to myself and Aiken that I can do something when I set my mind to it. I know I can.

After talking to Mrs. Smith, she let me go to the library. I stepped in looking to see if any of my friends were in here when I spotted Kelly. Kelly reminded me almost like a fairy. She was short at about, 5" 1', natural bleach blonde hair, and had the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. When she would move around, she was always so graceful and quiet. I swear she could sneak up on anything!

"Hey Kells, what cha doing?"

"Oh nothing Ev. I just wanted to get away from Ross. He's driving me nuts this year. Did you know they made me his partner for this stupid project. Ugh, he just makes me so mad. He came over to my house last Wednesday, and acted like the perfect gentleman in front of my parents. They loved him! Which is surprising because they hate everyone. But as soon as we got to my room, all hell broke loose again."

I laughed, what were the chances. "That's funny, because I came here to escape my partner. Aiken. Looks like the best friends, got each of us. Aiken's been driving me nuts too. And we went to his house on Friday. We didn't do anything though. He watched tv, and I slept." I winced remembering how I fainted. 

"What are you not telling me," Kelly studied my face.

Which thing I thought to myself. My parents, not being able to eat, passing out at Aiken's house, or him kissing me yesterday?

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