Chapter 19.

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* Eva *

Everything was dark and peaceful. I was enjoying having no pain what so ever. It seemed like every time the pain would start to come back, something would happen and I'd return to my black abyss. I liked it here. No yelling, fighting, or more bruises. Just peace and quite. I smiled to myself.

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"Eva," I heard a whisper.  What was that?

"Eva, if you can hear me, please wake up!" The voice pleaded.

Why would I wake up? I didn't even know I was asleep. I am awake, I tried to say, but nothing came out. What is going on?

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," the voice was getting a little louder, "I didn't know what was going on, Eva. If you would've just told me, hell, told someone, anyone.  We would of helped. It's over now. No one can hurt you anymore. I need you to wake up, baby. Please. I promise to stop calling you Barbie.  I know how much you hate that name. I'll do anything, just please. Wake up." He choked out.

Only one person had ever called me Barbie. But why did he sound so far away. And what does he mean by it's over. I tried to open my eyes but failed. I started feeling a pounding in my head, before something happened, and I was taken back into the dark.

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"Eva, it's me again," the voice started. I smiled. Aiken was back. He was the only company I had. The darkness was nice in the beginning,  but I've started getting bored.

"I still don't know if you can hear me, but my dad told me to try anyways. Your parents are in jail. They have gathered enough evidence to convict them, and put them away. I don't know for how long, but long enough for now. They went as far back as freshman year. I remember that day. I was in your class. It was my first day at Prairie High. The Senior's played a trick on ya'll.  And when your shirt got pulled up. You had a huge bruise in the middle of your stomach. How long has this been going on, Eva? Have you lived your whole life this way? I know you can't answer me, but damn it, if you would just wake up. We miss you. My mom and dad. Kelly and Ross.  Even me, Eva. Fight! Please. Come back to us. We will figure everyting out, just fight! Well Kelly just walked in, I'll be back later. I'm going to let her talk to you. I'll be back tonight." I felt pressure on my forehead and then he was gone.

"Eva, it's Kelly." She started, she sounded hesitant.

"You have my been my best friend since forever. And I just want you to know that I am mad at you. So very mad. Why didn't you tell me. Damnt it, Eva.  I would've helped you." I could tell she was crying and tried to open my eyes again, but failed. Fuck, why can't I wake up!

"Aiken won't leave your side. I'm surprised he even stepped out of the room to let me talk. He's been staying the night with you. He doesn't want you to ever feel alone again. He looks like hell. He showers, eats, and sleeps here. He hasn't been back to school either. His parents won't make him, but seeing how he has taken this whole thing, I don't think I would make him leave either. Its been a week Eva. We are trying so much not to lose hope. Just show me something,  give me some sign please. I'm begging you!"

I tried. I tried so hard. I tried opening my eyes. I even tried kicking, moving my hands, nothing would fuckng work.

"It's okay, Eva. Im going to let Aiken back in and plus the nurse is here to give you your meds again for the pain. I'm not giving up on you Eva. You have lived your whole life through this, I know you can make it. That you can push through, just try. Fight with all your might! I love you."

And that was the last thing I heard before the medicine kicked in, dragging me back under.

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