Chapter 3.

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I drove my car into a parking space at school, finally letting my body relax. Knowing that I was miles away from home did a lot for me. I was able to be free for a few hours. Think on my own, speak when I want, and smile. Actually smile! This was my safe haven! Jumping out of my car, I made sure to pull my green shirt down as far as it would go. I didn't want it to accidently ride up and show the newest additions to my bruises that I had acquired last night. I grimaced thinking back to the first time something close to that happened. It was Freshman year, and the Senior girls tried to play a prank on a lot of us in front of some guys in gym class. Their class had just let out, so they waited for the Freshman to get dressed in their gym attire; as soon as we stepped out, they quickly pulled our shirts over our heads. Everyone gasps when they saw my stomach. A huge purple bruise was residing there from getting hit the night before. The gym teacher ended up sending me to the office no matter how many times I told him that I had been running down the stairs, tripped on our floor rug, and landed on the coffee table. He just shook his head and pointed towards the door. By the time I got to the principles office, after dragging my feet, my parents were already there. That's when I knew I was in big trouble. I could tell by the evil glint in their eyes. Of course, they played the doting parents that cared about their child and convinced the principal that I had indeed fallen. But when I got home, that was one of the worst beatings.

I was pulled from the flashback as a motorcycle revved up in front of me. Shaking the memories away, I looked up and met the eyes of none other than Aiken Thompson. I could say that people say he is the school's bad boy, but I'll just put it down to this, I hate him; he hates me.

"Well are you just gunna stand in the middle of the parking lot, looking like an idiot, and get ran over? Or are you gunna move? I have no problem with running you over, so you better think fast cause I have places I need to be."

I sent him a glare, but stepped to the side knowing he'd hold true to his words.

"About fucking time Barbie! " He fired at me knowing that I hated that nickname. I watched as he parked his bike and started to get off of it. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. Yes, he is the biggest jackass but you would have to be blind not to notice how attractive he is. His chestnut brown hair was styled in a 'I just got out of bed' look. He wore a red shirt that showed all of his muscles letting everyone know, he had to work to keep up that 8 pack he was sporting. A pair of dark jeans that hugged his ass just right and just some plain ole tennis shoes. Looking up at his face, you could tell his nose was slightly crooked, probably from being in a fight, but it helped with the rugged look. High cheekbones and a defined jaw. I blushed and turned away when I noticed his eyes were twinkling with amusement from catching me check him out.

"Come on, Barbie. No need to be embarrassed. We all know, no one can resist this. Even if you hate me."

I doubled over laughing. I couldn't help myself as I turned around, stabbing a finger in his chest, "Now, you listen here mister. Stop fucking calling me Barbie. And I wasn't checking you out, I was thinking of all the other men I've seen that look twice as good as you. Run along, now. I have more important things to do, which none include talking to you." I said with a hand wave of dismissal.

I knew I hit a nerve to his ego as I watched those beautiful hazel eyes slowly narrow. "Eva, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I'm not putting up with your shit anymore. This has been going on since I moved here Freshman year. I'm telling you, it stops this year!"

I couldn't help but chuckle. Raising an eyebrow, "So you plan on a cease fire, huh? Just like that? We both hate each other. I think you are an egostitical jack ass. And you think im a spoiled, rich brat. I don't think that will work."

He threw his head back laughing so hard, I thought he just might pass out. Sobering up, he looked at me with hate filled eyes.

"Oh no, Barbie. It's just begun. It ends this year because I'm gunna break you 'til you give up. I'm gunna make you wish you never got on my bad side. And when you break, because you will break. Im going to laugh in your face then turn and walk away. Only then will it be finished, because I will win and you will just be the pathetic spoilt brat that you are, with nothing that will ever amount to anything."

I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing that he knew I accepted his challenge. Turning on my heal, I left with parting words of, "I'd like to see you try!"

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