Chapter 12.

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* Aiken *


Why did I do that? I only planned on fucking with her a little bit. Getting close, maybe whispering something in her ear, making her think I would kiss her. Then leave her hanging.

But when I looked at her lush lips, I couldn't help myself. They just looked so damn smooth, and I wanted to taste them. Wanted to feel them move against mine. Fuck, when she moaned into my mouth, it took all my willpower to push away from her and get the hell out of dodge! Why was I so affected by one damn kiss. I've kissed girls before. Hell, I fucked girls before. But never has a single kiss had me so hot and bothered! Deciding not to go back to gym, I rushed to my motorcycle needing to get home and a have a long cold shower.

I stepped out of my shower as I heard talking coming from downstairs. Sounds like my parents are back from their convention. They had left early Friday and had been gone all weekend. It was nice having the house to myself even though I wasn't home much. I spent most of my time hanging out with my buddy, Ross. We played some basketball, but we mostly sat in front of the tv playing Xbox. I slipped on a pair of shorts before going to talk to my parents.

"Aiken, what are you doing home, school doesn't let out for another 10 minutes?"

I groaned, running my hands down my face. I really needed to try to break that habit. "I messed up, mom."

Glaring, she put her hands on her hips. "Aiken Blaine Thompson, what did you do?"

"Jeeze mom. I didn't do anything that bad."

"Well spit out already, son. We're getting older by the minute!" Dad chuckled to himself.

Well I might as well just get it over with! "I kissed Eva."

Mom started jumping up and down clapping her hands fast. "Yay, I knew you liked her. I just figured it would take you longer to figure it out. Marcus, we have to have her over for dinner sometime," she rambled.

"Woah, WHAT?! Mom, what are you you talking about? I don't like Eva like that, I hate her! That's the problem. Knowing her, she is gunna blow this all out of proportion. She is going to think I like her and know she won. I don't even know why I did it, for crying out loud. I wanted to mess with her a bit, and it kinda just happened. Ugh! Why do I get myself in these situations?" I finished breathing hard.

"Well, son. I don't know what to tell ya. If you are sure you don't like her then just tell her. There's not much else you can do. I don't know what ya'll two having going on with all the bickering back and forth, but just remember that she has feelings too. I understand all fun and games, I'm just worried that one day, one of ya'll is going to take it too far, and someone is going to end up hurt." Patting me on the back, he headed for the kitchen.

"Your father's right honey. Just try to be careful please. You know we love you and trust your judgment, but Eva really did seem like a nice girl to us. And us girls have just as much feelings as you guys do, ha, maybe even more. I don't want to see either of you hurt from going too far. You would be surprised how much someone's words can tear a person down. Now, lecturing over, go do your homework or something. Dinner will be done soon! I'm making that lasagna we ate at the Brant's. Vivian finally got the recipe to me at the conference."

Dinner was great just like my mom told me it would be. Having all my homework finished I decided to head to bed early and hopefully get a good night's sleep. The last thought that drifted through my mind before completely drifting off was, what am I going to do about Eva tomorrow.

I ran to the closet like mommy alway told me to do. Hearing a loud scream, I wanted to make sure she was okay. I hate nights like this one. He would come in drunk and automatically start throwing things and yelling. Trying to make sure my little feet didn't hit a bad board, I slowly made my way to the hallway. Tears ran down my face as I saw her sprawled out on the floor with peices of glass scattered all around her. I noticed it was the blue vase we had, it was mommy's favorite. Hugging my teddy to my body tighter, I went to run to her. But watching as she locked eyes with me and shook her head with pleading eyes, I took a step back. I didn't know what to do. He was never this bad. He would always yell or more like, slur. Throw a few things, cuss about how much his life sucked, and maybe hit us around a few times. But never had I seen that look in my mommy's eyes. I wanted to hug her tight, and make it all better like we always did when he would pass out. Curling myself into a ball, I watched as he pulled something out behind him. I don't think I've ever seen one of those in real life before. It looked heavy though. Seeing mommy start to panic I jumped to my feet, "No, Chris think about what your doing. Do you really want to do this? Our son is sleeping right now. Lets take this outside, so we don't wake him up. Then we can talk about this. Just please honey, put the gun down." She started to rush to feet.
"It's okay Sarah. He's next." He stated nonchalantly.
I was confused, next for what. I went to take another step forward when mommy quickly grabbed me and pushed me toward the open door. "RUN AKAIN! Keep running and don't turn around for anything. I love you sweetie." She gave me one more push before I took off running. I didn't want to make mommy upset, so I sped up some. Hearing a loud bang ring through the night, I accidently dropped teddy because it scared me but I didn't turn around. Just like mommy told me not to. I was gunna make her proud. I kept running and I don't know how long or far my little legs took me before I passed out.

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