Chapter 9.

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* Eva *

The next few days went just like Monday and Tuesday. My parents are still on their, no eating, beating wrath. I don't know what I did so wrong. The only reason I've made it this far was because I've been drinking plenty of water and my friend Kelly would give me an apple or something small of hers at lunch even when I told her I wasn't hungry.  She would shake her head and stare 'til I took at least one bite. I made sure to eat slow so I wouldn't make myself sick though. Today is Friday, the day I have been dreading. Today is the day I have to go to Aiken's house and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Things haven't changed between us at all either. The pranks are still going back and forth. He would knock all my books out of my hand, then I would steal his wallet so he didn't have money for anything until the next day. He was mad about that one, because he didn't get to buy lunch that day. But I honestly didn't feel that bad for him, because he could have a snack or a big dinner when he got home.  He would steal my car keys and make me beg for them, then I would steal his gym and school clothes while he showered after gym. Those had me in big trouble when I got home for being late. I'm starting to be really afraid of my parents. I mean, I've always been afraid, but I accepted it. Now it's starting to get hard. I'm worried about how long I can last on just drinking lots of fluid and maybe an apple a day, since the dizzy spells started last night after my shower.  I just need to try to be more careful, I guess. Sleep hasn't come easy either, but I take what I can get.

Bringing myself back to the present, I walked into gym class. "Today is going to be a down day guys. So just do whatever you want!" I wanted to kiss the ground at his feet, but refrained as I got laid out on one of the bleachers.

I jolted awake as the last bell rang. Rubbing my head trying to make the dizziness go away. I slowly picked up my bag, heading out the door.

"Eva, wait up!"

"Ugh, what is it, Thompson."

He just smirked. "I think you forgot about this project we are supposed to be doing, partner!"

"Fine, I'll follow you in my car, let's get this over with!"

Before I could even unlock my doors, I was being dragged to the other side of the parking lot. Snatching my hand away, I wondered, "Where the hell are you taking me?"

"Barbie, since we have to get to know one another in order to graduate, you have to be able to experience one of my favorite parts of the day," he explained before grabbing my arm and dragging me behind him. I didn't notice he stopped abruptly making me run into his back.

"Omph, jeeze, give a girl a heads up, will ya?"

"If you were any other girl I would, princess. Back to what I was saying, we will be taking this, and after the hour is over, I will drive you back to your precious car." He said waving a hand at his motorcycle.

Take a step back from the contraption, I studied the death trap. It was nice. I don't know much about motorcycles but it was a beautiful shiny black color, with dark blue flecks all over it. There was no way he was getting me on that!

"Don't even try to tell me no! What, Barbie doesn't want to mess up her perfect hair! Lets not forget about the wind drying your face out, the horror!"

"I don't want to die!" I exclaimed.

"Eva, I may hate you, but I'd never try to kill you. Now get on before I leave your ass here. And before you say 'go right ahead' I stole your keys again." He said waving my keys in my face before snatching them back and putting them in his back pocket.

"Well here goes nothing." I swung my leg over the bike before settling in behind him.

"Either wrap your arms around me, or fall off when I start driving. Your choice!" He stated before starting it up.

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