Chapter 16.

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* Eva *

As he opened the door he looked back at me, with a pain stricken face. Then turned and walked away. I collapsed. Putting my head into my hands, and sobbed. I couldn't stop. I knew Aiken felt terrible for everything he said, but he shouldn't, it was all true!

I picked myself up off the floor and headed for my car. I couldn't stay here. I needed time to think on my own. I just prayed that my parents weren't home!

The drive was a silent one. I didn't turn my radio on. I just stared at the road and tried to keep the tears at bay. Pulling into the driveway, I felt like I was lucky for the first time in my life. There were no other cars here. I rushed into the house and to my room. Since it was hot inside the house, I took off my long sleeve shirt and threw on tank top. Looking at my arms, I winced. Everything was getting worse. I was thankful for the cold weather though. Bruises lined my arms. This was a first, but my mother and father had been getting so angry lately. The only place still left untouched was my face. I reached under my bed and pulled out one of my last bags of chips. They were doritos, my favorite. Michelle had snuck some into my bag again last Friday. I don't know why she did it, but I would be forever grateful. Without her, I'd probably be close to dead. My parents haven't given me any food. They even went to take it as far as, cleaning out all the food in the house so I couldn't sneak any. And they would just eat out. But like Aiken said, I was lucky. And I was, but what he didn't know, is that I was only lucky because of his mom! I would always think of her as my guardian angel! Someone sent to help me through life without even noticing. Still hot, I took my sweats off and put a pair of shorts on. Now, that's better! Looking at the clock I noticed there were still two more classes left before school let out. I wonder if Aiken was still going to come over for the project. I felt a stab to the heart thinking he probably wouldn't. He got what he wanted. He wanted to win, and he did. I wasn't mad at him though, I was upset with myself. I broke. Something I wanted to avoid. But his words hurt, and I just wanted him to stop, and the only way to do that was to admit defeat.

Hearing a door slam open, I jumped. Throwing the chips under the bed, I hurriedly cleaned my fingers off and wiped my mouth. Someone stomping up the stairs let me know that one of my parents were home, if not both of them. Shit!

My door was flung open with so much force, the door handle left a hole in the wall. My eyes widened in fright.

"What the hell are you doing home?" My mother screeched. 

"I'm sick, the nurse sent me home," I whispered, hoping they wouldn't catch me lying.

"I don't care if you dying, go back to school now!"

"I can't!" I backfired.

The next thing I know, my father is swinging his fist at me. I flew to the floor holding my jaw, with tears streaming down my face.

"Do not back talk. Go now!"

I was tired of this. Tired of being walked all over, tired of being hit. And tired of just laying down and letting them do whatever to me. I was 18. Technically a legal a adult. After this, I was leaving. I don't know how or where I would go. But I was done. And as soon as I got a hold of some cash. I was taking a plane away from here.

I jumped to my feet and narrowed my eyes. "No!"

My mother gasped, shocked, while my father's face went red with rage. "What did you just say?" My father boomed.

"I said, no! Hit me all you want, but I'm not going back. Ever again, in fact. I'm leaving. And if you want to stop me, you're gunna have to kill me first." The last word barely left my mouth before he grabbed me by the hair and threw me at the wall. I sucked in a big breath, but didn't scream. I wasn't going to give them the satisfation.

"Stupid bitch," he said pulling back his leg and kicking me in the ribs with all his might. I whimpered as at least one of my ribs cracked. Putting my hand on the wall, I steadied my self. Heaving in a breath, I made myself stand. "Is that the best you got?"

My mom walked over to me, and slapped me across the cheek. "What did we ever do to deserve a horrible child like yourself," she spat.

I laughed, well more like wheezed. "You? What did you ever do? You have to be fucking kidding me! I've done everything you have ever asked, and this is how I get treated. I did everything right, EVERYTHING," I screamed with clutched fists, the tears coming back, "and this what happens to me! You made me this way, are you proud?"

I ducked when she went to slap me again. And then threw my fist forward,  connecting with her nose. I smiled to myself as I heard a snap! Bitch deserved it. Turning away, I made the mistake of forgetting my father was in the room, as he grabbed me by the hair once again, making me scream as he dragged me down the stairs. I kicked, twisted, and bucked, but his grip never faltered.

"You will learn your place," he lifted me up and hit me once in the mouth. Tasting blood, I reared my head back and spit it in his face.  "Fuck you," I gritted with a smile. Wiping the blood of his face I saw the twinkle in his eye. The sick bastard was enjoying himself. He was enjoying the fact that I was fighting back and not just taking all the hits like a scared puppy. Well good for him, cause I was enjoying fighting back for myself. Kicking out, I hit him in the shin. His grip loosened so I took of back for the stairs. I needed some stuff. Taking the first step, my leg was ripped out from under me, making me scream for the second time today as I went head first into one of the stairs. Seeing black spots, I shook my head a few times, hearing banging in the distance. Shit, I probably have a concussion. Crawling, I started making progess, before my foot was grabbed again dragging me all way back down. I tried kicking the hand away but I was useless.

"You won't get away with this," my father gritted his teeth begore slamming his fist back into my face. The black dots were becoming more prominent to where that was all I could basically see.

"Go fuck yourself," I whispered one last time. Trying to keep myself conscious, I focused on the back ground noises, a loud bang rang throughout the down stairs before I heard running. Who was running? Feeling myself slip away, I tried hard. I gasped when someone picked me up. Kicking I tried to get away, I couldn't take anymore. I was done. "Shh, stop Eva,  I heard someone say comfortingly, I got you, it's over. Just stay awake, please Eva stay awake. I need you!" That voice souded familiar.  I tried opening my eyes. I wanted to stay awake, like the voice said. Barely cracking my eyes open,  I turned my head to the side. Right before I passed out, I swear I saw my guardian angel.

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