Chapter 17.

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* Michelle *

I got off work early today. So I decided to go ahead and head to the house. It was almost 2 when I pulled into the driway. Seeing Aiken's motorcyle I was confused. What is he doing home early again? That boy! He's going to get himself in trouble.

Stepping though the door, I stopped. Aiken was too preoccupied with his thoughts to even notice the door had opened. He was pacing back and forth, with his head in his hands. Here recently the nightmares have been really getting to him. Marcus and I were starting to get worried and even called a few therapist that specialize in this type of stuff. But looking at him, I didn't think that was what was bothering him. I took a cautious step forward.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

He stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned towards me with tears in his eyes. I dropped my things and ran to him. There have only been a handful of times that I have ever seen him cry, and none of those times have been recently.

"Aiken, honey, I said while wrapping my arms around him, what's going on?"

"I messed up mom, I messed up bad!" He whispered, hugging me back.

"Come on sweetie, lets sit on the couch and tell me what happened."

Sitting down he inhaled, then exhaled. "Eva's been acting weird lately. She looks like she is losing weight and hasn't had sleep in weeks. But the thing is, she wouldn't talk to any one. I found out today from Ross,  that her best friend Kelly said, she hasn't spoken a word to anyone in over a week. That you can scream at her, cry, or whatever and she acts like you aren't even there, like she doesn't hear you. So Ross asked me to see if I could get a reaction. I said I woud try."

He took a second to think of the right words to say. I sat patiently needing him to finish before we decided what to do. But from hearing what he just said, something is going on in Eva's life, that she doesn't want anyone to know, but can't take it all on by herself.

"After I tried talking to her first period, he continued,  I started getting frustrated. The only reaction I got out of her was when I went to touch her, she winced away. Why would she do that? Anyways I left her alone until lunch. When I found her in the library with Kelly crying her eyes out in front of her. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her and took her to an empty classroom and just went off. Mom, I messed up. I said some horrible things. And she did talk. But not what I wanted to hear. She said that I was right, and that I win. To just walk away and leave her alone. Ugh. I didn't do it to win. She was scaring me, mom." He finished with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Well baby, it seems to me that Eva has stuff going on in her life tha no one knows about, and is having a hard time keeping it together. Everyone breaks at some point baby. You know that, from experience. Just some people break, and cope in different ways. You acted out and got into a lot of trouble, while she shut everyone out, and tried to ignore the pain. I think you need to talk to her."

"You're right mom. Thanks!" He jumped up, to head for the door.

"Oh no you don't,  mister! You are too upset to drive. I will give you a ride there, then you can call me when to pick you up."

"Yes ma'am! " He fired back a little more chipper. I wonder if he was finally seeing how he felt for the girl. If it was all just a game, then he wouldn't care about hurting her feelings.

As Aiken gave me directions and showed me the way to the house, I started getting a bad feeling. "Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Yeah, mom. I'm sure. I've been here before remember. Why, what's wrong?"

"Um, no reason," I said pulling out my phone as I reached the driveway. "Go ahead son. I just have to call your father real quick."

He rushed out of the car and up to the door and began knocking.

"This is Marcus. "

"Marcus, something is definatey wrong. You need to get here now." I rushed, not having a good feeling about this.

"Calm down Michelle.  What do you mean? Where are you at?"

"I'm at the Brant's. Aiken was at the house when I got home and upset. It had to do with Eva, so I said I would bring him to her house because he was too upset to drive, and he brought me, here."

"Alright, I'm on my..."

A scream rang through the air keeping me from hearing what else he was going to say.

"Marcus, call 911. I just heard a scream, have them bring a ambulance just in case, it sounded like Eva.  I love you, see you soon!" I hung up, rushing to get out of my car and running to the door.

Aiken reared his leg back and kicked at the door. Over and over again he tried, only making a small dent. Looking around I spotted some plants and started searching for a key but coming up empty handed. Hearing another one of Eva's screams I panicked. Pushing Aiken out of the way, I lifted up the door mat. Hitting gold, I picked it up and scrambled trying to get the key in the hole. Sirens could be heard, getting near. Throwing the door open Aiken took off down the hall. Rushing after him, I gasped tears coming to my eyes. After that, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Cops busted in guns, drawn. Handcuffing the Brant's,  the medical team rushed in. But the only thing that stayed in my mind was how Eva looked while my son was holding her and trying to keep her awake. She was wearing a white tank top, that had blood running down the middle of it, and a pair of black shorts. Her whole body was bruised, making you get the idea that she was a punching bag, which she probably was. Her lip was busted, bruises forming on her, jaw, cheek, and eye. A pretty large gash was on her forehead,  bleeding profoundly.  Looking at the rest of her body, her shirt had ridden up, she had a huge bruise on her ribs and  old brusing on her stomach, and along her arms and legs. A new bruise was forming around her anke also. What had they done to the poor girl. Focusing back on her face, I saw her trying to stay awake. Aiken was pleading with her, saying that he needed her, breaking down into sobs. At the last second before the medic team pushed me out of the way, her eyes met mine, making me crumple to the ground.

Her eyes said it all. She was broken. Lifeless. Done. I just hoped that she would fight. Fight for her life. She was so young, and could have a bright future. But she would have to fight. Fight with all she had, and win!

Faded LinesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora