Chapter 18.

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Okaaaay so last chapter and I kinda forgot how old I made Jasey, if I actually gave her an age that is and I can't be bothered trying to look in case I never gave her an age. So I'm just going to make it that it's like this year so Ben's like... 24? So I'm going to make her 22! :D Also it might be shorter than the others, okay bye! Exciting news in the authors note at the end maybe xD


Jasey POV:

It's my due date, October 20th. "I can't do it, I won't do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm sorry Ben but this baby is staying in me, I can't do it" he started laughing at me, his grin spreading from ear to ear "I'm being serious here, this child will stay in me until it gets to the point where I become her" he continued laughing not taking my seriousness into any consideration "you think I'm joking!?" All of the guys were round our house waiting for me to pop, to lay my egg, take the bun out of the oven. "Jase, you're going to be okay don't worry about it, it's going to be a breeze!" I whipped my head round to stare at James "I'm sorry Mr. fucking Cassells, but you're not the one who has to push a fucking child out of your fucking vagina!" I was enraged I hate it when guys think this is easy.

He took a step back putting his hands in the air as if I was about to attack him. Which don't get me wrong I wanted too. "Look at me Jase" I felt Ben's hand cup my cheek as I turned to face him "you are the strongest girl I know, you are going to get through this and all of us will be here every step of the way. Especially me because I cannot wait to see my baby girl" a smile grew on my lips and I suddenly couldn't wait until I went into labour, just the thought of having a baby with Ben made me the happiest person alive.

As I kissed his soft lips, the familiar feel of his lip piercing pressed against my lips as I smiled into the kiss. "I love you" my eyes were closed as I embraced the moment "I love you too babe!" We parted leaving me gasping for air, every kiss left me breathless, it was like in fairytales where fireworks would go off in the background to emphasize the intensity of the kiss. I couldn't explain in words just how much I loved Ben, It was remarkable and no one would ever be able to match it, other than our daughter. Woah that felt weird, our daughter, our daughter. The voice in my head kept repeating it and reality hit me "Oh my fuck, I'm going to be a mother!!" Danny walked in the room with pizza in his hand "No fucking shit Sherlock, it's been 9 months and you've only just realised!" I stood up walking towards him and taking a slice off his plate "I obviously knew I was going to have a fucking baby dumbass but it just dawned on me, that someone's going to call me 'mum' it's kind of scary and I'm only 22" I bit into the pizza thinking about it. A child a little girl.

Im so not ready for this "Ben we don't even have a name for our child!!" we can't just have a nameless baby. I was seriously flipping out "Calm down Jasey, we've got a few to choose from. Just settle, you're too stressed" he had his hand on my shoulder glaring into my eyes "how are you so calm?" My voice was shaky and there was a tear in my eye. I hate being pregnant my emotions are at an all time high! "Because I know that at the end of the day we are going to have a beautiful baby girl and if she is anything like her mother then I know for a fact she's going to turn out to be amazing. I can't wait to have a daughter with you" a tear escaped my eye, obviously it was a happy tear though. I couldn't be more happy. "I don't mean to inturupt this little thing you got going on here but I think your waters just broke?" Cameron tapped me on the shoulder as he spoke and I started to panic.

I turned around slowly not facing the ground "me?" He rolled his eyes at me sighing "no, Ben mate I think you're in labour, your waters have broke. Yes, you!" Ben grabbed my shoulder making me face him and I got a bit dizzy from moving so quickly "Have you been having contractions and not telling me!?!" Oh shit, now I'm in for it, I'm going to have this baby and then Ben is going to kill me "Pfft no!" He rolled his eyes, he looked furious "Jasey!! Why didn't you fucking say something? You're in labour!!" Pointing out the obvious, obviously "guys we don't have time for your drama we need to go to the hospital!"

Ben POV:

I was little bit angry for her not telling me, or even going to the hospital, but we're here now and its not important because Im about to have a daughter. "Jase are you okay!? Do you need anything?" I looked into her eyes scared "babe Im fine, just bricking it" I held her hand as the mid-wife did what she was supposed to. "You're ready!" My heart began to race and I couldn't wait to see my baby girl.

A group of doctors and nurses came in the room prepping her "Mr. Bruce would you like to stay in the room with her?" I swallowed the lump in my throat "Ben, just call me Ben, and yes definitely!" My heart was pounding and I was shaking like mad, this is normally when Danny would be here to calm me down and bring me back down to earth, but the cunts in the waiting room.

James POV:

Its been 2 hours, a doctor came out and informed us that Jasey had been having contractions for over 12 hours and that she was ready to give birth. Why she never told us is beyond me. I was pacing back and forth trying to get my head together "James will you sit the hell down you're creating a draft!" I sat down hesitantly as Danny moaned at me. I stood up rapidly with the others as Ben walked towards us grinning like a Chesire cat. He fell into our arms "I've got a beautiful baby girl" there was a tear in his voice and we were all in a massive group hug "do you want to see my daughter?" We all nodded in unison as he led us down the hall. We were all smiling like a bunch of numpties, who could blame us though? He led us into a room where Jasey was in bed holding a tiny baby girl. "Guys, meet Alexis Kenadee Bruce" she looked up at Ben smiling as she handed him Alexis.

He walked over to me slowly not taking his eyes off the little girl in his arms "James, would you like to hold her?" I nodded my head without even thinking. She looked so beautiful and peaceful, she already had a full head of hair, brown, just like her dads. She had massive blue eyes like her mum. I glanced up at Jasey and she looked so happy, so content. It was unbelievable how this one little baby made everyone's hearts melt. It shocked me as even Danny was grinning like a lunatic!

Ben POV:

I was so unbelievably happy. I couldn't stop smiling for the life of me, why was I so worried before? Alexis is so precious, I couldn't believe she was mine. She was the definition of perfection. It was just me and Jasey in the room now, everyone had left to get some food. "She's so beautiful" I looked up at Jasey as she smiled back at me "she looks like you Ben" I looked back down at Alexis smiling my face off "then she's going to be absolutely stunning when ages older!" We both started laughing "Alexis Kenadee Bruce, welcome to the world gorgeous" I kissed the top of her head as she slept. I couldn't be any happier




Thanks to my sister (Kayleigh) who helped me with the name for the baby! :)

Can I just say that I've had such an amazing time writing this fanfic. It was the first one I had ever got stuck right into, and I updated like 4 times in one day at the start of it. I was so inspired and I'm so so so grateful for all the reads on it I mean, I never even expected to get 100 and what it's got is unbelievable I'm forever thankful for everyone who liked this and read it, it made me so happy to see that people found something that I had written good enough to read and I can't explain how happy I am at the success of it.

Also there will be a sequel to this up shortly, which I am reeeally stoked for xD

I would like to add that the due date of Ben and Jasey's baby is Mitch Luckers birthday. I know it may seem a bit inappropriate and whatnot but I really idolized Mitch and I'm really gutted that he's been taken away from us.


I've said this before but Thank YOU so much, I love you all thank you again :3

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now