Chapter 9

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Ben Pov:

My word was spinning, I couldn't comprehend what was going on right now, I was caught up in the moment, it was just me and her. I forgot about all of the people that were around us. To me it was just me and Jasey, and a moment that I had been waiting for, for weeks.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, so I separated from Jasey and turned around slowly, Danny was standing there awkwardly "Dude there are loads of people watching...I think it's time you moved this inside the bus" I looked around and there was about 3 other bands within the crowd of fans and crew members. I didn't realise at the start that there were so many, the weird part was all there eyes were on us, like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Which was weird.

We needed some privacy to talk so Danny and James went to do and interview with Bryan Stars and Sam and Cameron went to watch other bands. Ii still couldn't get over her sitting in front of me like this, I haven't seen her in so long that I forgot what it felt like to kiss her lips, or the feel of her hair on my finger tips. "I have so much to say to you, but I don't know how to word it." I wanted to tell her that she was always on my mind that I couldn't sleep at night, I wanted to tell her that I was going out of my mind. "You don't have to say anything, just kiss me!" we stood up at the same time, just inches apart. My breathing got heavier and my heart started to pound, I could feel her breath pick up pace as it brushed my cheeks. My lips pushed against hers firmly, the taste of her lips left me paralysed, the feel of her hands on my chest made me crazy. We made out way to my bunk slowly. Our kiss getting faster and more intense as we hit the bed, her small figure molded with mine perfectly. I got caught up in the moment and my mind went blank. I couldn't think about anything other than this moment.

Jasey Pov:

His wet torso was centimeters away from mine. With every thrust we got closer to climax.

I woke up in Ben's arms, something that I could get used to. I slide out of his bunk trying not to wake him up, I walked through to the bathroom and turned the shower on, I hopped in after waiting for it too heat up and just let the water run down me.

I was just thinking to myself about what we and Ben actually were, I mean so far all we've done is talk and have sex, that's not really a relationship, it's more like friends with benefits and nothing more.

It would be nice to have something more, something more than just sex, but hopefully that comes later. I got out of the shower and dried myself off, and got dressed. I couldn't stop thinking that something was supposed to be happening this week but I couldn't think of it, my mind was completely blank. I went through to the front lounge and sat down watching t.v. James came in and sat beside me "how was the interview?" he smiled at me, "It was great, we had a right laugh, where's Ben?" I pointed towards the bunks and handed him a beer. "Ooooh I see. What are you doing on your own anyway?" I couldn't take my mind off what was missing "Just thinking Ben's sleeping so and I didn't want to wake him so I used your shower and came through here, I hope you don't mind." He shook his head "Why would I mind" He laughed and took a swig of his beer.

I turned to look at him "James, whats the date?" he rolled his eyes back, thinking "erm, the 13th I think." It hit me, I knew exactly what was happening. A wave of panic coursed through me, "Why, whats wrong?" I stood up pacing, counting in my head...No it can't be, 6 weeks? No, it can't be I'm just being stupid. It's not possible. No way. I got stopped by James, who was now holding my shoulders "Hello, earth to Jasey, what's going on?" I didn't know what to say, I was dumbstruck, speechless. I looked down, hoping that he would catch on without me saying anything. Right enough he did "No way..." I nodded my head cautiously, hoping he wouldn't overreact. "No Fucking way!?"

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now