Chapter 10

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Jasey Pov:

"You're Pregnant!!" I hushed him and closed the door "Shut up, I don't know, I can't be, there's no way this is possible! You can't say anything!" we both sat down at the same time "I can't believe it" I was still counting the days in my head, just making sure. "Nor can I, what am I going to do?" I had my head in my hands leaning forward, I felt James' hand touch my back softly "you have to tell him" I didn't know what to do, how will Ben react?

I leant back and curled into James his arm went around me slowly "I can't, what am I going to say? Hey Ben Im having your baby, love me?" I felt so stupid, why did I let this happen "its going to be fine, don't worry. I won't say anything, its up to you to do what you feel is right" he spoke so much sense. I just sat with him for a while trying to figure out in my head, what the fuck Im going to do.

Ben Pov:

I woke up in my bunk alone, wheres Jasey? I rolled out bed and stumbled through to the lounge in my boxers "Woah, Ben put some clothes on! Jeez!" I walked over to James and hit him on the head "no, Im a half nudist, deal with it" I then went over to Jasey and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey" she had a tear resting on her cheek. I sat down and put my arm around her, whispering in her ear "whats wrong love?" She curled into my chest gripping my side "Nothing, I just want to make the most of the time I have with you" It was odd that she was saying this it's not like I'm never going to see her again "Are you okay?" she looked up at me smiling "I am now" I wiped the tear from her cheek and kissed her.

Jasey Pov:

I already knew that Ben was way too good for me, I'm not even close to being good enough for him, he's perfect in every single way, and I'm not, I'm a pathetic low life that slits her wrists when things get hard. I could lie with Ben all day, in his arms, it felt like home, like that's where I was supposed to be, nowhere else. Me, Ben and James were just quietly watching tv, until Danny came in with Cameron and Sam "Hey assholes, we're on in 10, get your shit together" I didn't want to move, I was so content with just sitting there all day, but I had to move as Ben got up. "Are you coming to watch?" I thought about it, what have I got to lose? "Yeah, sure, why not?" We made our way to the stage and I tried to get to the front of the crowd and succeeded. Watching them play has honestly become my favorite thing ever, just seeing how they come alive and just get into it.

While they were playing Ben reached over to me and held my hand, when he let go I realised that he handed me something. It was his guitar pic and something else I couldn't really see it as people were pushing me about. Before I knew it I felt someone's fist ram against the side of my head, I dropped what I was holding and fell to the floor. I lay at the front of the crowd while everyone around me jumped in the air. As soon as I tried to get back up something hit me and then someone stood on my head. The music stopped and everything went black. I felt someone pick me up, they were all hot and wet, I could here James shouting in the background, he was going mental, sounded like her was having a go at someone. The hands that once held me let go, James' voice got quieter and I couldn't make out a thing. What was happening?

I woke up facing a white ceiling, surrounded by sky blue walls. I looked around and saw James asleep on one of the bedside chairs, and on my other side Ben was staring at me with a look of despair "Ben, what's wrong?" He got up and sat facing me on the bed shaking his head "Nothing, how're you feeling?" I suddenly remember the thing he handed me and quickly looked at my hands, my stomach dropped and so did my mood. I wanted to know what it said so badly, and Ben is the type of person who isn't prone to repeating himself. "You looking for this?" My eyes widened and I couldn't help but smile "You found it?" He smiled back nodding his head and handing it to me. I opened it up to reveal Ben's scruffy writing saying 'Be mine' I looked at him hanging his head, I lifted it up to face me "Always" he smiled "Promise?" I nodded my head in agreement "I Pro-" Sam came bursting into the room waking James up and giving me and Ben a fright, he stood up suddenly and faced Sam "Guys, I got here as soon as I could, Danny and Cameron are just coming, are you okay love?" I took my eyes off Ben and looked towards Sam "Yeah, I'm fine...Why did you rush?" before Sam answered I heard the door bang and Ben was gone, I went to get up and chase him but James held me down.

"What are you doing James?" He just sat there holding me, "Sam go see what his problem is!" Sam left and James let go "What the fuck James!?" he sat down, and frowned at me "You have no idea how much I've been through trying to keep your secret!! They almost told Ben you were up the duff! You should be thanking me, and that guy who pounded you on the head got a go at by me too! You owe me a thank you" I shook my head sitting up "You are joking right? Ben has just ran out on me, can this not wait until later?" Sam came back in, "Jasey, he's gone, he said he needed some space, he went back to the bus" I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands "I never promised..."

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now