Chapter 15

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Jasey Pov:

I woke up in my own bed with Ben asleep next to me. Its been three months since my accident and he has barely left my side. He looked so peaceful, his blue eyes closed and his hair flowed heavenly down his face. I brushed his hair out of his face being careful not to wake him.

He looked so perfect.

We hadn't really spoken much about the baby but we knew what we wanted. It did come about as a bit of a shock to say the least I mean, we definitely were not expecting this to happen but we have discussed that abortion is not an option!

As much as we fuck about and make jokes about it, it would never happen.

I convinced myself that matter how much I loved Ben, I wouldn't be surprised if he just left because he will realise one day that he can do a hell of a lot better. However, that will still never stop me from trying to prove myself to him everyday.

I rolled away from his small thin body slowly, trying my hardest not to wake him, while I went for a shower.

Ben Pov:

I woke up to a note on Jasey's pillow I picked it up and squinted my eyes trying to make out the writing 'If you're reading this, then I'm not back yet (obviously) But I went to get breakfast. Good morning love!! xx' I strolled out of bed, brushing my hair out off my face, I headed for the bathroom. I was in the shower, I just stood there letting the water drip down my face. The thought that in about roughly five months I would have a little person that's part me, kind of scares me and excites me at the same time.

I got dressed and heard Jasey walk in the front door. My hair was still dripping wet and currently soaking the top I put on. Before I got the chance to leave the bedroom, my phone started to ring. "Hello?" Danny was on the other end making as much noise as possible, as usual "Ben!! Have you packed yet!?" I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, "What do you mean, have I packed yet!" I looked over to the calendar that Jasey had on her wall checking the date. Shit. It just hit me "Mayhem festival!! Duh, are you fucking stupid!?" I sat down slowly on the bed thinking of how this is going to work.

I can't not go, I need to. I'm the fucking guitarist, but I can't leave Jasey, she's having my baby, she can't come it's to risky. "Nah, mate I'm doing it now, aren't I? When are we leaving?" I heard his laugh soar through the phone "How the fuck should I know?" great help you are Danny. "Well phone when you find out arsehole" I hung up and walked through to see Jasey "Ben, you know what day it is right?" Fuck, she knew too? How did I forget? "Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't want to leave. But It's my job I'll phone you every night though and we can skype and everything!!" I hated saying goodbye to her so much. She needs me, but Danny and the boys need me too.

How am I supposed to be a good boyfriend, dad and everything everyone else expects me to be when everytime I leave, I leave my heart with her?

I packed everything I needed and walked to the door with Jasey. I swear my heart felt like it was being crushed. "If you miss I'm just a phone call away if you ever need anything! I swear, just be careful. Be strong for me? I'm going to miss you so much" I held her in my arms kissing her forehead "It's going to be okay Ben. We'll be okay, I promise!" This had to be the worst feeling ever.

Before I left to get on the bus, I kissed her again. Down on my knees in front of her I placed a small kiss on her stomach. "Look after your mum!" It was just a whisper but it was all I could do right now. I turned to walk away when I felt her hand pull me back "Ben! I love you!" she kissed me and squeezed me before letting go I replied "I love you too!"

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now