Chapter 17

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Jasey Pov:

I was rolling around on my bed in fits of laughter, as Ben stood at the bottom of the bed messing around with all the baby stuff and making faces "Ben, stop, please. I think I'm going to accidentally give birth!" he burst out laughing and lay down beside me "Please don't you've got another two months in you!" we were still laughing, me almost dying. I turned on my side and faced him and he joined me "I love you so much" he smiled at me making his eyes glow like fireflies "I love you more" he leaned over kissing the tip of my nose softly. We just stayed there for a moment staring into each others eyes and smiling

He bent over towards my massive bump that had gotten huge these past seven months. "and I love you!" He kissed the fabric covering my tanned skin "I like you when you're like this, even more because I'm the only one who see's this side. It makes you that much more special too me. Don't get me wrong I like you're other side too I just, uhh, I love you" I let out a weird noise and face-palmed myself "I'm Shit with words!" I had both hands covering my face in shame, I'm such an idiot.

I felt Ben's hands on mine and his face appear when he took my hands away from covering my face. "You're not an idiot, I understood you" he tried to resist the temptation that was written all over his face to laugh "It's okay Ben, laugh. I won't judge" I closed my eyes awaiting the soars of laughter coming from his mouth, when I felt his lips hit mine roughly to start with and then soften as I realised and kissed him back. He traced his tongue a long my bottom lip requesting entrance. I parted my lips enough to grant him his wish and deepen the kiss.

I heard the doorbell ring and so I pushed Ben back on the bed and wobbled as fast as I could to get to it. Swinging the door open my eyes widened "DANNY!!!" He threw his arms around me as I did with him "JASEY!!! How's my favourite pregnant girl!?" we both started laughing walking over to Ben who was standing in the doorway to go to the living room "Benny boy!!" I let them greet each other with the usual hugs and messing around while Cameron and Sam came through the door "Ahh!!" I yelled running towards them pulling then into a group hug "wait, where's James?" Me and James became quite close throughout the past months, I couldn't help but wonder where he was "uh, he couldn't make it. Sorry J" I nodded my head walking them into the living room "I think the better question is why are you all over? I thought you were practising today?" Danny looked over to Ben and Ben gave him a nod "Well me and Ben were talking.. And because we've all been away for most of your pregnancy we thought we'd through you a late baby shower! Girls!!" I turned around to see Myca, Jamie and Brittany baring gifts.

Ben Pov:

I watched as Jasey's face lit up. I walked over to her putting my hands around her waist and holding her belly "surprise" I whispered into her hair "guys, you didn't have too" I went to speak but Danny did instead "we wanted to, you've been alone for the best part of this and we wanted you to know that we are all here for you!" I watched her head fall as she mumbled something I couldn't quite make out. I nodded at Cameron and he went to the door opening it again.

I let go of her and moved to the side waiting for her reaction as the tall figure moved towards her "Jase" I got her attention and then nodded towards the door and she turned around slowly wondering what could be waiting for her. Her jaw dropped and she dropped her phone that she was holding in her hands. She shot Sam the death stare before throwing her arms around James "OH MY GOD!! Sam said you weren't coming!" She looked back over at Sam and he pointed to me "uhh surprise?" She had the biggest smile on her face as she walked towards me. As she approached me she put her arms around my neck "how did you know?" she planted a small kiss on my lips "I saw how close you two got and it was obvious you missed having a best friend since Saffy did that to you so.. I wanted to make you happy again" she kissed me again "waking up next to you every morning, hearing your voice everyday and you just being there makes me happy, you don't even need to try" I kissed the tip of her nose "I love you so much" our foreheads where pressed together eyes closed "I love you too"

I heard someone cough from beside us "ew intimacy, get a room" I smiled and let go of Jasey "Danny grow up, just think one day you might be this happy with Myca. Maybe even soon" I winked at him watching his face fall looking over at Myca "I'm not pregnant he's just messing with you!" he sighed with relief and sat down next to her when the doorbell rang again. "PIZZA!!" James shouted and then ran to the door.

I went into the kitchen to collect plates and came back to see Myca, James, Brittany and Danny crowded around Jasey "what's going on?" I rushed over to see all their hands on her belly "It looks like the baby likes pizza, its kicking like crazy" I placed the plates on the table and pushed Danny out the way to replace his hands with mine. It was incredible I kept missing these moments until now. Everyone moved and started eating the food. I was completely mesmerized, my baby was kicking me, my baby, i guess it just hit home that I was having a baby a beautiful baby. I felt Jasey's hands pulling me up to meet her eyes "should we tell them?" I nodded kissing her lips, I felt her smile into the kiss and we turned around. "Guys we have something we need to tell you" we sat down while they all stared at us "we are having a baby girl!!" they all stood up at once pulling us into a group hug "Oh my god!! We're so happy for you!" They all had massive smiles on their faces "Oh no, that means you can't name her after her favourite uncle.. Man, you could have called him Danny!" We all laughed digging into the pizza. I looked over at Jasey and couldn't help but smile, she means the world to me I love her more than life itself and our unborn baby girl. I couldn't be more happy with life.

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now