Chapter 13

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Ben Pov:

I listened to what Jasey had told me and went to wait for her.

I had been waiting for a few minutes when a car pulled up "Ben! Get in" I walked over to the car and Jasey's head was popping out the window, I got in and we took off. "Where are we going?" She looked like she had been crying, her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were damp. A horrible feeling went straight through me. "Jasey, are you okay?" She shook her head letting another tear escape her beautiful green eyes. "I'm not okay, I'm not anything, I need to tell you something and this is what I had to tell you before that I said was going to tear us apart and I can already feel it happening."

I was so confused and hurt. I hate seeing her cry and this is just horrible. "I told you, you don't have to, to just tell me when It's the right time" she continued shaking her head as she pulled into her drive way. "I can't wait until then, If I don't tell you now then I wont be the one to tell you"

A lightning bolt of fear shocked it's way through my body "Jasey what are you talking about!?" she got out of her car heading for her house so I followed. She ran upstairs into her bathroom and came out seconds later "I don't know how to say this so I'm going to show you instead"

James Pov:

I was pacing up and down the bus, how could everyone find out? We were the only ones who knew right? My phone started to ring so I answered it, it was Saff "Hey" I carried on pacing "Hey, has Ben found out yet?" oh so now she knows "I think Jasey is about to tell him. How do you know?" I finally sat down taking a long drink of my beer "Jasey told me, she said not to tell anyone, but I figured one person wouldn't do any harm right?" I stood up immediately "Wait! This is your fault!?" I heard her laugh a little. "Well sort of but you can't tell Jasey, she'll kill me!" What the actual fuck! They're supposed to be best friends "so are you still up for tonight then?" I couldn't believe it! "No, sorry. Actually, no I'm not sorry!"

I hung up and sat back down. I couldn't believe she would do that.

Jasey Pov:

I held my hand behind my back and guided Ben into the living room to sit down. I had totally forgot I was crying, It was like the tears were still flowing but I got used to the feeling of the wet substance making paths on my cheeks. We both sat there in silence, before I had the courage to take my hand out from behind my back. "There's something you need to know" I handed him the test and looked down. "What did you mean when you said you won't be the one to tell me?" this was the part I was dreading. "I don't know how this happened but, James told me that its all over twitter and tumblr." he frowned at me "James?" I nodded my head "he found out too. I never told him, I was unsure and he was there, he told me I had to tell you!" he stood up and faced away from me. "Why didn't you tell me Jasey!? I could have been there for you, its not like everything else, I had the right to know!" why is he arguing, its not the easiest thing to tell someone! "I was scared!!" he turned to face me again with anger spread across his face "what aren't you scared of? Im terrified for you 24/7 I don't know how you're feeling or if you okay, you never tell me anything! What's the point in even trying anymore its like I care too much!" I shook my head "I never asked for this! And I definitely never asked you to care! You knew what I was like, you knew but you stayed!" my heart felt like it was being ripped to shreds "are you blaming me now? Its my fault that you can't just say 'Ben Im pregnant' and you told James!! Im the one your supposed to be with not my best friend!" a feeling of hatred shot through me like a bullet, I couldn't believe we were shouting at each other. I felt so angry "he guessed, he told me straight away I needed to tell you, so don't involve him! He's the good guy." This was the reason I never wanted to tell him "if he's such a great guy why don't you have his baby!?" he stormed out slamming the door behind him. I couldn't chase after him. I fell to my knees crying "because I love you" all it was, was a whisper. I couldn't say it to his face or that he could hear me. I got a text from James sayin that it was Saffy's fault. When you hear something that you didn't want to hear you feel your heart smash into tiny pieces, there was a lump in my throat and angry coursing through my veins. I got into my car and started driving towards Saffy's house. My eyes were flooding, tears made small waterfalls down my cheeks. I was so upset I could barely breathe. I pulled out of the junction five minutes away from hers, I wiped my eyes, making it a little more difficult to see. Everything was blurry, I heard a lorries horn and before I could react I got pushed to the side, my head went through the side window and I blacked out.


Authors Note!!

Hello! This has been done for a while so I thought I should update you guys rather than just Tumblr all the time... Woops /: Anyway, feedback? Comments? Anything would be lovely

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now