Chapter 3

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Ben Pov:

I was lying on the sofa staring at the keys that Jasey left for Saffy, I actually feel bad for what I just did, I mean she hasn't intentionally done anything wrong. I punched the pillow and got up, I grabbed the keys and ran out the door.

On my way there I kept thinking about what I was going to say. 'Hey sorry I was such a pubescent cunt, it's not your fault' I think it would help if I actually knew why I was so pissed especially at James too, he hasn't done anything either.

I was standing in the hotel lobby, some people stared, some just walked straight past. I headed for the stairs totally unaware of what I was going to say to her, that could possibly make the situation any better. I stood outside her door for a while, just waiting, I don't know what for I just was. I didn't want to just walk in so I knocked, it started off quiet and then got slightly louder.

She answered the door in a small towel, I felt like I just swallowed a brick, I was lost for words..."Yes?" all I could do was stare, and hope that words came out eventually. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was a bit of an arse and you didn't deserve it." I wanted to say so much more but that's all that came out.

Jasey Pov:

I never expected Ben to show up like that, I mean he made it clear before that he never wanted me there "Just answer me something?" I needed to know why he was doing this "Anything" I turned around and waved him to come in. I sat at the bottom of my bed and patted the bed beside me. "Why did you do it? and Why do you think I like James and why do you care?" okay I never meant for so many questions to come out it just happened "you said a question.." I put my head down and ignored him "okay, I don't know why I said that or did that, and I don't know I guess it was just cause you actually spoke to him and that, I honestly don't know why I care, sorry?"

I didn't know what to do, or say, "I haven't known you for that long, hell it's probably only been like an hour or two, but you're different, you're not like all the other girls who literally throw themselves at me and you never even knew who I was" I looked up at him, he stood up to walk away. "where are you going?" I got up and walked to him "back to the bus, I said what I came here to say"

That was it, I'm never going to see him again "you didn't need to come over here and say that, I'm basically irrelevant in your life, you're never going to see me again and there are going to be so many other people that come into your life, hell you will probably forget about me in two days" I just stood there helpless, I wanted him to stay but at the same time I didn't.

He turned around slowly and faced me, I didn't want to look at him so, I looked down "You're not irrelevant, out of all the girls that I have met you stood out the most! I don't know what it is but there is something about you that sort of pulls me to you and it's weird and I'll never understand it because I don't even know you! I'm going now because for the rest of Warped Tour the only thing that I'm going to be able to think about is you, and I even think that I was jealous when I thought that you liked James, and I am a massive prick and you need me out of your life because I did a terrible thing" I got confused when he started talking about James onwards "What have you done?" he shook his head "I made a bet, both me and James made a bet on who could get you, I pulled out of it, I didn't want to hurt you. I'm a prick and I never realised what I was doing" I sat down shaking my head in disgust "you've got to be fucking kidding me!? They only reason you came here was to try and justify yourself. Just go, I don't, I can't look at you right now!" he walked over to me "Jasey, please!" I shook my head furiously "Go, Ben!"

Ben Pov:

I didn't want to hurt her, that was the last thing that I wanted to do.

All the way back to the tour bus she was all I could think about. I'm in a fucking Rock & Roll band, what does she expect? Fuck Sake!

When I got back to the bus James was in his bunk, fucking someone girl, I guessed it was Saff as I never passed her on the street and she wasn't at the hotel. I texted Danny asking where he was as I got a bottle of beer from the fridge. On the way to my bunk I picked up my laptop , I logged onto Twitter and thanked everyone for a great turn out, normally I would just watch stupid things on YouTube, or skype with my family but instead I started looking for Jasey on Twitter and Tumblr. I found Saff just after Danny text me back saying her was with Andy Biersack and that he didn't know where Sam and Cameron were.

I spent the majority of the night looking through Saffys Twitter and Tumblr looking for Jasey. I eventually found her Tumblr.

Her description said 'Don't worry guys, you're not a virgin, life fucks us all...Some post's may be triggering, and I apoligize for that. Peace out!' Triggering? I scrolled down to reveal some pictures. What? No way, Shit!! I slammed my laptop shut and ran out the bus door. I kept running down the street, thinking about what I just saw. I couldn't stop running, the guilt and shame poured over me like a waterfall, what have I done!?

I eventually got to the hotel and ran up the stairs, luckily it was only on the third floor and I wouldn't have to run up so many stairs. I tried to open the room door and it was locked, I went to throw my fist on it to bang it when I remembered that I had Saffys keys. I fiddled with them until I found the right one to fit in the lock and threw the door open. I couldn't see her anywhere I banged on the bathroom door repeatedly "ah shit!" I kept banging it "Jasey open the door!!" she didn't answer me "C'mon Jasey, let me in!" I heard the bathroom door unlock so I automatically opened it as fast as I could, Jasey was standing by the sink. "It was an accident, it wont stop!"

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now