Chapter 12

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Ben Pov:

"You know I can't, there's not enough room on the bus" Jasey made me feel more mature, she gave me a feeling that no other girl could ever give me "that doesn't matter, please, just one night?" we were still in each others arms. "One night?" I nodded my head "just one" I kissed her one more time and we left the balcony and moved to lie on her bed to watch a film.

We were tangled in each others bodies just lying there, I had so much to say to her but I didn't have the words to say them. "Jasey, after tomorrow, I've got a few days off if you want to do something? Like other than watch me play warped." we didn't look at each other, we just continued to watch the film "I like watching you, Its like 'hey look, I know him!' and all the other girls are like 'I love you, marry me?' no but seriously I don't mind as long as you're there" she gave out a small laugh that gave me butterflies. I had totally forgot that she was in the hospital less than two hours ago "yeah, but look what happened last time..." I traced my fingers over the bandaged up cut on her forehead. "that was totally my own fault! I mean he was clearly just jealous that YOU, the almighty Ben Bruce gave me something he wanted" she looked up at me moving her head on my chest, I reached out to take her hand, as she took it her sleeve rolled up, revealing her scars that I had forgotten. "Jasey, honestly, how are you coping? I know things can be hard sometimes.. Are you okay?" she put her hand up to my face "Ben, Im fine I promise! If I wasn't I'd tell you" there was a part of me that never believed her when she said that because she hardly talks about her feelings.

I kissed her forehead softly and and took her hand again "there is nothing that would stop me from caring about you, even if I were never to see you again, I would still think about you everyday!" she laughed at me "you wee creeper. Only joking, I feel the same"

Jasey Pov:

It has been a while since I saw Ben again, on his days off, we went down to the beach and to the fair. We had a right laugh! I still hadn't told him I was pregnant, I checked with the doctors to see if they could have made some sort of mistake, but they insisted that I was at least a month preggo. I couldn't keep it bottled up anymore I gave in and told Saffy about everything, about that night in the hotel, about Ben and of course the small fetus in my stomach.

She promised me she wouldn't tell anyone and I trust her. I was clearing up around my house when James called "Jasey, you have to tell Ben NOW!" I was taken aback by this statement "what's going on!?" he told me to sit down and brace myself "its all over twitter and tumblr, if you don't tell Ben then someone will!" there was a lump travelling up my stomach to my throat. I ran straight into the kitchen and threw up in the sink. Why do they call it morning sickness if it hits you at every part of the day? "What am I going to do? James you can't let him online, I'll be there as soon as I can!!" it was pretty convenient that Warped was in my hometown.

I dropped everything and grabbed my keys slamming the door behind me. Depending on traffic I should be there in about ten minutes. I phoned Ben and put him on loud speaker so I could concentrate on driving. "Hey love, what's up?" I got stopped by a red light and let out a sigh "Im on my way, meet me round back, we need to talk. Don't talk to anyone, just go straight there!" I started driving again a little over the limit, I decided I couldn't wait in traffic so I took a short cut "babe what's the matter?" I rolled my eyes "for me Ben, go now"

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now