Chapter 2

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Ben Pov:

I was confused at how she took a better liking to James, than me! Like what the hell. We were sitting in the front lounge in silence. "So did you guy's enjoy playing the set?" I looked shocked at the petite girl sitting next to Jasey, I forgot her name already, Jasey turned around almost instantly "Oh my god! It talks!" James said sarcastically, she threw a fake smile his way and stuck up her middle finger. Everyone was so shocked, she clearly got over the whole panic attack situation then. "Yeah It was mental! were you guys there?" it went silent again, Jasey finally answered, "Yeah but we never went to far forward, I didn't fancy getting violently abused today. It was pretty good." pretty good? we were fucking awesome!

I got up and made my way to the door, "Does anyone want a drink? We got beers?" I waited for everyone to reply James said he wanted a beer and so did Jasey, Saffy just asked for a bottle of water, I think that's her name anyway. I was standing in the kitchen, for some reason I couldn't get how calm she was out of my head. There is something about her, she's not like anybody else.

Jasey Pov:

James and Saff were talking about the music so I decided to go and see what was taking Ben so long.

I walked through and he was standing next to the fridge "What's taking so long?" he turned around in a rush "Nothing just thinking" I walked up to him so we were just a meter apart. "about" I raised an eyebrow in interest and looked into his blue eyes "What do you see in James?" I squinted my eyes and got completely confused "Sorry, what? James?" he nodded his head and looked down "Yeah, you seem to be more into him than me, and I don't really care but like why?" I shook my head and made him look up again "I don't like James..!" I grabbed the beers and walked away.

I couldn't get over how weird that was, like seriously though, he doesn't even know me. It's not as if I'm going to see him again after today, I've hardly even spoken to James either so like what the fuck! Sure James is alright looking and that but so is Ben. All me and Ben have down is take the piss out of each other and making digs at each other, what's his problem.

He came back in a few minutes after me and handed Saff her water "James can I talk to you for a second. It's about the band"

James Pov:

I walked out of the lounge and followed Ben to the bunks, closing the door behind me Ben stopped and started talking "I'm not in this any more, I'm not betting anything, I don't want to be involved in this, feel free to try your best but she's too raw" I've never known Ben to back out of a bet before, or even step down, when getting laid is in question "I thought this was about the band" he shook his head and kicked his bunk "what the fuck dude? what's got you all grumpy?"

I had no idea what was going on or what suddenly changed his mind either "she's hot and all that but like I just don't want to bet on her" I started smiling "It's because you know that I'm going to win, isn't it?" he rolled his eyes and walked back towards the lounge "yes James, that's why!" I don't really know if I want to now either though, cause I was just doing it for banter with Ben and now he's fucked that up. I followed him into the lounge and looked at her sitting there, I guess It's worth a shot, I mean she is fucking hot! Chicks with tattoo's and piercings are a major turn on!

I walked into the room behind Ben, "I'm bored anyone want to go for a walk, or something, or a party?" Jasey seemed uninterested but Saff stood up straight away "Sure!! You coming Jasey?" I was hoping that she would say yes so I could try and drop hints. "Nah, I can't be bothered are you going Ben?" I was just standing at the door, my plan had failed, I was stuck with just Saff, oh well, she's kinda hot too I guess.

Jasey Pov:

I wanted to know why Ben suddenly started being so cold to me, "I guess I should go then, when Saff come's back, tell her I went back to the hotel. Do you mind if I leave her key here for now, I don't want her to lose it?" he looked up at me uninterested and just nodded his head. I don't know why but they way he was acting actual hurt, he was being so harsh and I don't even know what I've done to deserve it.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the bus door, "Bye Ben" he just grunted, so I decided not to waste my time anymore and just left.

I walked slowly through the crowds of people, I can't believe all the nice things Saff said about him, he's suck a prick. 'He's real funny, and cute too' yeah I'll give him cute, but he is a cold hearted asshole! I haven't done anything! I don't even know why I'm bothered about it to be quite honest I have only spent an hour or so with him and he's nothing to me. The only thing that I will stand by is that he has a beautiful voice and amazing on the guitar but other than that and his looks he's a knob! When I got back to the hotel I went for a shower and lay on the bed for a while, over thinking.

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now