Chapter 26.

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* Eva *

I was basically bouncing in my seat, while driving, following behind Aiken on the way to his house. It was sad, if you really thought about it. I was 18, and never stayed anywere, but my house, and only been to someone elses house when the school made me do a projet with a partner. I was what you would call, very deprived. Pulling up to house, I parked in the driveway behind his bike. I got out slowly, still feeling the pain from my ribs. Only to pause when I heard a womanly screech. Turning my head slowly towards the door, Michelle was jumpng up and down clapping her hands.

She ran to me, opening my back door, and grabbing my bag. "You don't know how happy you've made me," she exclaimed. "It will be amazing having another woman in the house. So much fun!"

I smiled, following her into the house. Looking around, I actually paid attention to my surroundings. Their house was beautiful! Full of color. It was decorated to perfection. The walls were white, but it didn't give off that cold and sterile feeling my house emitted. Family pictures lined the walls. Paintings were hung in the right spots. Their furniture gave off a comforting feeling, just waiting for me to take a seat. It felt like a home, instead of just a house.

I snapped out of it, when I felt Aiken's hand on the small of my back, he leaned forward slightly, whispering in my ear, "Mom told me to show me to your room." I shivered as his breath fanned over my skin, bringing goosebumps to the surface and butterflies to my stomach. Not trusting my voice, I just nodded, before following him up the stairs.

He led me to the second room on the left side of the hall. Opening the door for me I stepped in, and put a hand over my mouth in surprise. I had never seen a room like this before in my life. The walls were also white, but it gave off a tranquil feeling with the way it was set up. There was a huge four poster bed situated in the middle of the right wall, facing outwards. It was covered in a cream colored, satin canopy that flowed down the bed posts. The bed spread was a soft pink, with different colored flowers lining the bottom. Taking a few more steps into the room, I spotted a beautiful stained dresser to the left, with a tv hanging on the wall above it. There were also nightstands on both sides of the bed and a book case situated behind the door. My smile grew bigger when I felt a breeze and looked straight ahead. The patio doors were wide open with the white drapes blowing in the wind.

Aiken cleared his throat behind me, bringing my attention back to him. I had almost forgot he was there. "So.. What do you think?"

"I think it's beautiful. Perfect! Your mom has amazing taste."

He just smiled, "I'll let you get settled, and come get you for dinner when it ready."

"That sounds amazing. Thank you again. You and your family. Ya'll are all completely wonderful. I think I may take a nap," he smiled once more, showing me his perfect white teeth, before walking out and shutting the door.

I walked over to the bed, running my hand along it. It really was beautiful. Laying down, I got comfortable, but I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think about was how comfortable I had become with Aiken. And how he was so much more attractive then I originally thought. His smile made you want to smile with him. His eyes seemed to shine when he laughed, and when he held me, it made me feel safe. What was that about? I have always known I had cared for him, even since the beginning. In my own way, I relied on Aiken. Maybe for selfish reasons, but nonetheless, I needed him in my life. He was one of the people who kept me sane. He gave normality. I didn't get that at home, but with his help, it became possible. Something to look forward to. Someone to bicker with. He was the only one who helped in that department, and didn't even know it. I laughed at the absurdity of the situation. We hated each other, but yet it was something that became a necessity for me.

Dinner was great. It was eaten like a normal family would. Everyone sat at the table, talked and laughed. I had been sat beside Aiken, by Michelle, and became all too aware of his presence. Everytime his thigh would brush mine when he would move, I'd have to keep myself from shivering. It would send electric shocks though my body. I don't know what was going on with me, but it was becoming a bother. It seemed he was the only thing I could focus on. I was laying on my bed thinking all of this over when I heard a scream. I jumped from my bed and headed towards where the sound came from. Stopping at Aiken's door, I lightly pushed it open. With the light streaming in from the hall, I could tell he was still asleep, but looked to be struggling. So this is what he lived through every night. No wonder there were times when he would come to school looking like he hadn't slept in days.

I walked to him and gently tried to shake him awake, not wanting to scare him more. "Aiken, wake up." But it didn't work. His dream seemed to be escalating. I could tell by the way his face was contorted, and he was thrashing around. Tears started to come to my eyes. I didn't know it was this bad. He was just a kid when all this happened. So was I, but this was different. I think he blamed himself for what happened to his mom and him. But you can't put the blame on something you have no control over. I sat on his bed, before wrapping my arms firmly around him. "Aiken, I need you to stop, babe. Your dreaming, please wake up!" I pleaded, I didn't know what to do in this situation.

All of a sudden he stopped. "Aiken?" I said cautiously.

His eyes fluttered open and he studied me for a second. "Eva, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I laughed, he wasn't serious, was he? "Are you kidding me? You were just having a horrible nigtmare, but still you worry about me? I heard you scream, and then I couldn't wake you up. I started freaking out. I just wanted to help you. You looked like you were in a lot of pain. I started getting worried, and teared up. So I just grabbed you, to make you stop thrashing around. So don't worry about me, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

He studied me for a minute, before laying back down and reaching for me, "Come here," he beckoned.

I laid down beside him, my back facing his stomach. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him 'til there wasn't an ounce of space. Snuggling his head into my hair, he sighed. "Goodnight baby."

I smiled and closed my eyes, before drifting off to sleep, "Goodnight Aiken."

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