School Hacks 📚😚

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1: After writing a paper, copy and paste it on to Google Translate, and listen to it to find mistakes.

2: Download the app PhotoMath!

3: You're more likely to to remember something that you wrote in blue ink than in black ink!

4: Peppermint stimulates the brain and helps with concentration.

5: While studying for a certain subject, pretend that you will have to teach the material! It helps you pay more attention!

6: Use to find words that you can't think of, but can describe.

7: White text with black outline can be read with any color background!

8: Studying hard for 30 to 50 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks in between is the most effective way to study.

9: Eating chocolate while studying will help the brain retain information easily!

10: Writing something out is equivalent to reading it 7 times.

I found a lot of these helpful. School life has became much easier here and there.

I'd really appreciate it if you guys vote/like any chapter that was useful to you and if you guys comment things you'd like to see in the future. It would really help me out.

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