Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One

Sam had been watching Alice for months now, and she was becoming all too easy to read. Sitting in his car across the street from Hank's repair shop, Sam idly watched her go about her day. It was the same routine most days, and it was beginning to bore Same to tears. Marcy would pick her up from Tess' house, they would arrive at work, Marcy would drop her off back home, Alice would make dinner, Wallace would pick her up, they would go drink at the bar, Wallace would take her back home, she would watch TV, then go to bed. For such an amazing woman, she sure could lead an amazingly boring life.

Someone rudely dashed in front of Sam's car, jaywalking across the street to enter into Hank's shop. If Sam had been on duty, he may have written the guy a ticket. Stupid tourists, thinking they own this town. A second glance at the man made Sam bolt upright in his seat. Blake wasn't due back in town for another few days, and the last thing Sam needed was to have Blake find out where Alice worked.

If only Blake knew how much danger he had put himself in by choosing to have Alice move in with him. Sam had worked overtime that week, trying to keep tabs on the situation. Finding Alice alone in the Dansberry mall had been a small blessing, giving Sam the chance to make contact with her. He planned on telling Alice everything, even though he knew it was against the rules. Thankfully, Alice left Blake the very next day, and Sam decided to wait it out and see what would happen.

Alice was smart by leaving Blake alone. The fewer people she made friends the better. Wallace seemed like an okay guy, at least he was oblivious to everything going on. Still though, he was a problem for Sam too, as Wallace knew a lot more about Alice than most.

Sam pulled out his binoculars, watching the scene inside the shop unfold. Marcy left Blake in the office, apparently going into the shop to tell Alice he was there. Sam knew he couldn't let that happen, so when Marcy appeared in the garage, Sam honked his horn to get her attention. Thankfully, it worked, and Sam pulled Marcy inside of his car just in time. Thinking Blake would wait for Marcy's return, Sam quickly turned to Marcy. “What does he want?”

“Who?” Marcy looked confused, wondering what Sam was talking about.

“Dr. Hansen, the man that just came in. What does he want?”

“He just needs his house key. It's in the garage.”

“Go, get them. But, what ever you do, don't let Alice know he's here. They cannot, under any circumstances, meet. Got it?”

“What are you talking about? What's wrong, Sam?”

“Just do as I say, and nobody will get hurt. Go on now.” Sam reached over and opened Marcy's door, only to see Blake making his way into the garage. Cursing, he slammed his car door shut again, before pulling his binoculars back up to his face. Marcy watched him in silence, waiting to find out what was going on.

Sam watched as Alice and Blake talked, both looking tense and nervous. Watching Blake almost kiss Alice was like watching the last six months of his life flush down a toilet. Thankfully, it only amounted to a simple kiss on her head, and then Blake left the shop, alone. Sam sighed, hoping that Blake and Alice would leave it at that. Knowing how couples acted though, they probably wouldn't. “What now?” Marcy asked, hoping Sam would give her some clue.

“It wasn't as bad as I thought. Does Alice have special plans tonight?”

“No, Tess I guess is sick though, went to the doctor's today.”

“Good. Go back inside. Sit at your desk, or whatever, pretend like nothing happened. Take Alice home whenever she is ready to leave.”

“Sam, we haven't talked in ages, why won't you tell me what's going on? Why did you never return my calls? Why don't we go out for drinks sometime?”

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