Chap. 19 Surprise of a lifetime!!!

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(Anna's POV)

I fluttered my eyes open, to realize I'd fallen asleep in Hiccup's arms. He was already awake and was stroking my hair. He smiled at me when he saw I was awake.

"Mornin, sunshine!" He chirped.

"Sunshine?" I asked, tilting my head.

"What? Too cheesy?" He asked. I just laughed, and rolled out bed.

"Now be gone with you! I have to change" I said, holding my head high.

"Aww! Can't I stay and watch?" He asked, giving me an adorable pouty face.

"Ye- What!?" I screamed, blushing like crazy. He just laughed at me.

"Like I would ever do that!" He said, laughing hysterically.

"Get out you pervert!" I yelled, shoving him out the door.

I slammed it in his face and changed clothes. Afterwards, me and Cocoa went for a flight together. She showed me what she was capable of. While we were flying above a random island, I caught sight of a person down below. They appeared to be injured.

"Cocoa, fly down there" I commanded.

She nodded, and quickly flew down to check on the person. As we got closer, I couldn't help but notice the person looked....strangely familiar. I shook it off as nothing, and landed Cocoa. I now could see the person clearer, and saw it was a man. I had to be cautious, considering he could mean me harm.

"Sir, are you alright?" I asked, carefully approaching him. He had his back to me at first, but then turned to face me.

My whole body shut down at that moment. The world completely stopped when I saw this person. This was impossible... it couldn't be....


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