Chap. 14 Care for a flight?

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(Anna's POV)

After the whole fiasco at breakfast, I decided to do the twins saddles like I'd promised. I followed them to Barf and Belch, listening to them complement me the whole time.

"I've never seen Astrid that mad before! It was hilarious!!" Ruffnut exclaimed.

"Yeah! And the way she looked when you kissed Hiccup... Priceless!!" Tuffnut cheered.

I suddenly started thinking about that. It had been a really short kiss, but it still felt strange. It wasn't even meant to be sincere! And yet, I couldn't shake that feeling it had meant something. I mean after all, he did kiss me back. I think. Did he kiss me back?

"Anna? Are you in the there?" Tuffnut asked. I quickly shook my head.

"Sorry! So what'd you guys have in mind for the saddles?"

"Something awesome!" Ruffnut said.

"And dangerous looking!!" Tuffnut added.

I started thinking of the perfect design, and soon came up with it. I waved my hand, and both saddles started to change. The turned from brown, to a black color. Also, some flames appeared on the sides. For the final touch, a skull was placed in the very center of both.

"So, is that good enough I asked.

The twins both inspected my work carefully.

"I don't like it" Tuffnut said. His sister agreed. That's weird, I could of swor-

"We love it!!!!" They both cried at once.

It startled me to the point where I fell backwards. At least I would have, if someone hadn't caught me.

"Might want to watch it" Hiccup said, helping me stand straight. I blushed.

"This is awkward, I mean you're not awkward, I'm akward! You're gorgeous. Wait what?" I stumbled with my wording.

Hiccup gave me that usual smile of his. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I turned to face the twins again. They thanked me repeatedly. I left with Hiccup following me. I waited for him to leave, but he never did.

"Is their something you want?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Actually, their kinda is" He said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"What is it?"

"Would you wanna.. I mean.. would you.... care for a flight?" He asked, blushing a little.

"Um, sure! Sounds like fun!" I said, smiling.

He looked surprised for a second. He seemed surprised I said yes. We agreed to meet at the front of Great Hall with our Dragon's. I saddled Cocoa up, and hopped on.

"Lets go girl!" I said. She smiled, and took off.

"Took you long enough" Hiccup teased when I got there.

"It wasn't that long!" I snapped, getting defensive.

"Easy their champ! Don't yell at me just cause you're dragons slow" He said, smirking.

"My Dragon is anything BUT slow! She could beat that mutt of yours any day!"

"Did you just call Toothless, a mutt?" He asked, looking insulted.

"You should know a Princess doesn't like to repeat herself" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"You should know a chief doesn't like to be challenged" He said, Our dragons going nose to nose.

"Yah, the chief of shrimps!" I snapped.

"Ooooh! You're on dangerous grounds, sweetheart" He snapped back.

"You up for a race?" I asked, we also going nose to nose.

"Any time, any place" He responded.

"Your on!" I declared war.

"Alrighty then! Hope you don't regret that!"

"But, Hiccup! One more thing" I said as we got in proper position.

"And what's that?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Don't.... ever.... call... me.. sweetheart!!" I shouted, taking off on Cocoa.

We had a very epic race!! It ended with a tie, so, the fastest Dragon is yet to be known! Anyways, me and Hic were hanging out on a small, random island. Hiccup had whipped out a small book which, turned out to be a map. He had a ton of blank pages in it! He was busy spreading out the map, while I played with Cocoa. He had Toothless lick a page, stuck it to the others on the map, and started drawing on it. He had discovered a new island when we landed, so he was gonna mark it down. I went ahead and plopped down beside him. I started examining what he'd mapped so far. He had a lot on their, that was for sure! He'd obviously been keeping tabs for a while. He, opened his compass, and made measurements. He grabbed his knife and sharpened his pencil. He groaned while he did so.

"Need a new pencil?" I asked.

"More like, new knife" He growled.

"I got this!" I said confidently. Before he could argue, I snatched it from him. He watched as I thought for a moment. My nails suddenly transformed to razor sharp Dragon nails. I used this, to sharpen the blade. I blew the extra medal off, turned my nails back, and tossed it to him.

"That should last for a while. As long as it doesn't get rusty" I said, casually.

I noticed he was looking at me strangely. I looked at him, cocking an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just, you act like having powers is not in the least bit fascinating" He said, returning to sharpening his pencil.

"I do think it's fascinating! I just, don't need to freak out about it" I said, smoothing my skirt.

"So... about you're performance earlier" He said, finishing drawing on his paper.

I froze up, and immediately started blushing. I really didn't want to discuss it, let alone, with him!!! I just did my best to act normal.

"Why do you ask?" I said, pretending to be normal.

"I ask, because you basically tried to have Astrid kill you" He answered.

"I wasn't trying to have you're girlfriend kill me, she already wanted to kill me the day I showed up!" I snapped.

"Look Anna I-" I ended up cutting him off.

"No! Listen, maybe you should learn to stop being so damn oblivious to things!!" I yelped. I could feel tears running down my face. Also my heart was hurting like crazy.

Hiccup looked completely stunned. He looked like I'd just wounded him. But, he strangely started approaching me

"Learn to stop being such a selfish jer-" I got cut off this time. But it was by.... O...M...G.

It was by Hiccup kissing me!! I had no idea what to think!! I had no clue what to do for a minute. But, I soon kissed back. The pain I had been in a minute ago, completely vanished. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while mine were around his neck. We finally pulled back, gasping for air. He wiped the tears from my face. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

You done now crybaby?" He asked. I slapped his arm playfully.

"Way to ruin the moment, Hiccup" I sneered. He laughed.

"Is this why you brought me for a flight?" I asked. He held me and stroked my hair. I felt him nod.

"I've wanted to tell you for a while" He admitted.

"Tell me what?" I asked, inhaling his scent.

"That.... I..Love...You" He admitted slowly.

I think....I just....died.

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