Chap. 12 Good news and bad news

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(Valka's POV)

I had been waiting two hours for my son and the others to return. I hadn't seen any sign of them. I was rather anxious because I had some rather bad news for Hiccup. News... that could lead Berk into a yet another war. Just when I was starting to doze of, Gobber burst through the door.

"Valka! Hiccup and the others are back! And you won't believe what he brought with him!" Gobber exclaimed.

I chuckled. My son could do, practically anything. I probably wouldn't be as surprised as Gobber thought I would. I went outside and saw the whole village had gathered. I heard and bunch of whispers and a few cat calls. What was that about? I pushed through the crowd and reached the front. As soon as I did, I gasped in shock. Not only did they bring the dragon's home, but they found Anna and... another Night Fury!!! I couldn't believe it! Gobber actually wasn't exaggerating. Anna also had on a beautiful red dress and looked stunning!! No wonder I heard cat calls.

" What on earth is going on?" I asked, still trying to grasp the situation.

Anna went ahead and explained everything that happened. The whole village was in shock when she showed her powers. But, luckily they weren't afraid. They actually seemed to admire her abilities. That, or they were just admiring her. Especially some single, male Vikings. I got to know her Dragon, Cocoa, as she called her. She was completely beautiful!! I suddenly remebered I had information for Hiccup.

"Hiccup? We need to talk" I said, looking at him.

"Oh, sure" He said, following me to Great Hall.

"Hiccup, we've got big trouble on our hands" I quickly said.

"W-What is it mom?" He asked in a worried tone.

I paced back and forth anxiously. I kept messing with my fingers.

"I'm afriad.... Drago has returned" I said slowly.

Hiccup's face turned to a shocked and surprised one. Beilive me, I'd been the same when I found out.

"How... are you so sure?" He asked, obviously still grasping the situation.

"I recieved word from some fisherman earlier. They said they spotted one of his ships" I answered.

Hiccup sat down, Toothless beside him. This ment lots of trouble for Berk. I knew that Drago would be after Hiccup and Toothless. After all, they are the main reason he lost the previous battle with us. Also, he'd already succesfully killed Stoick. He'd most certainley want Hiccup dead too. I was not even close to prepared to lose my son again. I wouldn't let that happen. Not in a million years!

"Well... if Drago does come, we'll be ready for him" Hiccup said, standing up.

"It's more like, when he does come, son. There is no if."

"Should we tell all the people?" He asked.

I did my best to smile at him. Although under these circumstances, it wasn't easy.

"Your the cheif son. You tell me" I answered.

Hiccup slowly nodded and stood up. Toothles followed him out. I watched him dissapear out the door. Now, every time he left, I'd have to worry if he'd ever come back.

(Hiccup's POV)

I was quite surprised to learn Drago was back. It certainley wasn't a good surprise either. He'd taken Toothless from me once and I didn't want that again. True, Toothless was now the alpha Dragon, but that didn't stop the threat that it could happen again. I walked out to find the village was still outside. I took a deep breath, and cleared my throat. Toothless noticed, and roared at the top of his lungs. Everybody jumped and turned to face us.

"Thanks, bud. I have news for all of you" I managed to say.

Everyone started whispering a little, then waited for me to continue.

"Drago... has returned to the arrea" I said boldly.

Everyone gasped at once and started going into mild panic mode. I caught sight of Fishlegs fainting.... again. Toothless had to roar again to get everyone's attention.

"Anyway, as you all know, he's the very reason my dad and your previous cheif is dead. I know that when he comes here... he'll be after me next. That, and all of you, and our Dragons. But, we have our Dragons for a reason. Not only as family, and friends, but to fight with as well. So, when Drago comes to take our Dragon's..... let's show him we know how to fight back!!"

Everyone cheered, and I nodded my head slightly. After that, everyone started making preparations for the upcoming war. Toothless came up and rubbed against me. Drago might have a Bewilderbeast, an army, and dragons, but their is one thing he dosen't have that we all do.... a best friend.

(Anna's POV)

So appearantly, Berk has a bit of a war on it's hands. Who knew what all can happen in a matter of two days!! Me and the others all approached Hiccup.

"Don't worry Hiccup, we'll be ready for Drago" Astrid said, kissing him on the cheek.

I noticed how she smirked at me afterwards. I gritted my theeth and clenched my fists, holding back a fireball. Cocoa noticed and grolwed at Astrid. She just smirked more and walked over to Stormfly.

"Anna I think it best you head back to Arrendale" Hiccup said suddenly.

"What!?" Me and the others (except Astrid) all gasped.

"I don't want you getting ropped into all this" He added.

"He's right! We wouldn't want you to get hurt. Would we?" Astrid said, with a total fake-ass innocent look on her face.

I could tell she wanted me gone. She wants me gone, huh? I don't think so! She dosen't know it, but she just fueled the Princess of Dragon's flame!!

"I am not going anywhere! Because you know what, I'm tired of people thinking I'm always so sweet, and innocent. I'm sick, of people treating me like I can't handle myself!! You think I'm not strong enough, or brave enough!? Well, if think that then.... GO TO HELL!!" I screamed, sending a massive fireball into the air.

Everyone stared at me in shock and terror. I smirked with hapiness at the sight of them (especially Astrid) so terrified. Fishlegs pointed at me with a shaky finger.

"Y-Y-Y -Your eyes a-are r-red" He stuttered, while shaking.

I suddenly snapped out my state of glee, and quickly pulled up some Bewilderbeast ice. He was right. My iris's were completley red. Like, blood red. I got rid of the ice and glared at him.

"Now, you know happens when I'm mad" I said quickly storming off.

Cocoa quickly followed me. She seemed, a little nervous herself after what happened. I rushed past Valka and up the steps. She tried calling after me, but I ignored her. I shut the door, slid down it, and burst into tears. Cocoa rubbed against me, trying to comfort me. I felt my iris's return to normal aqua color, but I didn't stop crying. I felt my heart give a sharp stab of pain. I knew my time was quickly running out. I didn't care though. I had one question on my mind.... What the heck just happened to me? I never just...blow up like that! It wasn't like me. I sighed. I rested my pounding head on Coca's shoulder. She purred comfortingly. I gave a sad smile and wiped my tears off. I changed into a red night gown, with green swirls on it. I created it with my powers also. I crawled in bed and lay their. Cocoa lay at the foot of the bed, sleeping soundly. I smiled a little and started drifting off. At least.. out of all of this mayhem... I made a brand new, best friend for life.

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