Chap. 17 It begins...

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(Anna's POV)

I gently opened my eyes and groaned slightly. I attempted to sit up, but felt something wrapped around me. I rolled over to face...Hiccup!? Then I remembered last night, and chuckled slightly. I decided to pull a prank on him. I gently scooted over to him and leaned over his ear.

"Hiccup!! Toothless died!" I screamed. He jumped five feet in the air.

"What!?" He cried. I burst out laughing, rolling around on the bed. He glared daggers at me.

"That was anything BUT funny!" He snapped. I finally managed to calm myself down. Hiccup was giving me a creepy look.

"What?" I asked, scooting a distance away. He smirked, moving closer. I kept moving back till I almost fell off the edge of the bed. He put his fingers under my chin and kissed me. Seriously!?

"That's you're way of getting even?" I asked.

"No. Just my way of saying I love you anyway" He replied, stroking my face. I blushed lightly. Hiccup started pulling me in for another kiss, when the door flew open.

"Anna!? Hiccup!?" Fishlegs squealed. He quickly covered his eyes. Me and Hiccup looked at each other. He could be so overly dramatic sometimes.

"What is it Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked, getting out of bed and stretching.

"It's Dr-Drago! He's here!!" He panicked. I got rather worried, but Hic looked confident. Too, confident if you ask me.

"Aren't you worried at all?" I asked, eyeing him a little.

"No. Because he's walked right into my trap" Hiccup declared. After that we both got dressed, (in separate rooms mind you!) And got prepared. We headed outside immediately. All of Berk had already gathered. Every Viking and Dragon, was ready for battle. Cocoa walked by my side, we both knowing what was about to transpire. Hiccup and his gang all mounted up, me included.

I watched carefully as we spotted ships on the horizon. We saw about 50 ships. All holding probably about, 70 men. There were Dragon's flying above the ships too. Also, a great Bewilderbeast stood tall, glaring daggers at the island. I had a huge feeling that Bewilderbeast was going to be important. I couldn't really tell why though.

All of Berk watched as the ships all slowly docked. Everyone was getting jumpy, but Hiccup told them to remain in their positions. Valka looked nervous herself, glancing at Hiccup from time to time. The Bewilderbeast finally stood before us, a man atop it's back. He had a smug expression on his face.

Instantly, a part of my body wanted to slap it off! But I remained calm, sitting on Cocoa. The man slowly approached Hiccup. I'm guessing he's the one known as Drago. I took a good look at him. God! And I thought only his name was rough. Looking at him made you sick to your stomach!

"We meet again, Hiccup" He said his name with clear contempt.

"I was about to say the same to you" Hiccup responded boldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Chief of Berk" Drago said, bowing mockingly.

"Why don't you get lost?!" Snoutlout yelled. All the island quickly agreed. Valka held up her hand and silenced everyone.

"What happened to the other chief, Hiccup? What was his name.. Stoick was it?" He asked, obviously trying to hurt Hiccup. He sadly succeeded. I saw hot, angry tears filling in his eyes. That was enough to piss me off! Big time!

"Who are you to speak like that to the Chief!?" I snapped. Instantly, Drago turned to face me. Obviously, not noticing me until now. He eyed me in a strange way. It sent chills down my spine.

"Who, is this beauty?" He asked, approaching me. Did he really just call me that!? The nerve!

"Princess Anna, Princess of Dragons!" I said proudly. He let out a laugh as if to mock me. It was pissing me off.

"Like a runt like you could do anything to harm me!" He bellowed. Then he said something that tore me to pieces.

"After couldn't even protect your parents. Let alone...Kristoff" He said.

He then tossed something to me. My vision blurred with intense tears. My heart started to burn with excruciating pain. It was...none other... than the necklace Kristoff had given me on our second anniversary of dating. It was dripping with blood....Kristoff's blood. I felt like my whole system was about to collapse on me.

Tears poured down my face as Drago laughed. I let out a sudden scream as my heart began to fail. A huge rush off pain went through me. And when it did.... all hell broke loose. A huge fireball formed in my hand. To an extent I didn't know was possible. I felt my irises turn red again, and a wicked sensation filled my body. Drago looked completely in shock, as I slowly turned to face him.

"Ever played with flames Drago? Cause you're about to!" I sent the fireball straight at him.

As if it was in slow motion, he pulled up a fire proof cover, and stopped my fire dead in its tracks. Damn! Not good!

"Aww! You really are weak Anna! It's almost embarrassing" Drago sneered.

"Stop it!" I screamed, my heart throbbing like nuts.

"You were useless the day you were born!" He declared, towering over me.

"Quit!" I screeched, the pain intensifying.

"Let me tell you a little secret.....I'm the one who killed Kristoff!! I had my Dragons murder him because I knew, the little Princess would discover her powers, and get close to the Chief!" He roared.

My vision was starting to blur, my heart rate was slowing. It was a matter of seconds before I'd end up dead. I collapsed at Drago's feet, clenching my chest. He tilted up my head looking me in the eye.

"I were Hiccup's weakness" He whispered, whilst smiling.

That's the last thing that I remember.... before everything went completely black.

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