Chapter 18.

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* Aiken *

I understood. Everything made perfect sense. How could I be so stupid. And the stuff I said to her. Fuck! Everything had been a blur, the house, the ambulance ride; everything. I don't even think I remember it all. I just remember staring at Eva,  begging her to wake up. Needing her to open her eyes, but she never did. When we got to the hospital, they wouldn't let me go back with her. Someone escorted me to the waiting room and told me they would tell me something as soon as she got out of surgery. My parents were on their way now. They stayed and talked to the cops after I left with the ambulance. Mom knew I wasn't leaving her side or the hospital, unless someone made me. And she wouldn't do that to me. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Ross' number. I didn't have Kelly's, and she would want to know.

"Hey man! What's up?" He exclaimed.

"Um, do you have Kelly's number? I really need to talk to her," I asked quietly.

"Yeah, but she's with me now. Whats wrong?" He worried.

"Could you just please put her on the phone?" I just wanted to get this over with, and I didn't want to tell the story twice, and definitely not over the phone.

"Sure," I heard the phone being passed and some mumbling in the back ground.

"Aiken, what's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be at Eva's house today, is everything okay?"

"Um.. Y..yeah I am," I stuttered, "and I was. But.. um Kelly. " the phone was gently taken out of my hands, looking over I saw it was my mom. Giving her a thankful smile, I buried my head in my hands again. Mom walked off a distance, so I wouldn't have to hear what she said. And then came back and sat down.

"They are on there way, now" she said while wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I hate hospitals!" I mumbled into her hair.

"I know sweety. I could take you home if you'd like. Im sure Eva would understand."

"No, mom. I want to stay. I want to be here when she gets out of surgery. And when she wakes up, I need to see for myself that she is going to be alright!" I was serious. And she knew that. But she also knew how much hospitals bothered me. I was glad she understood.

She nodded her head, "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he stayed at the Brant's house. They are still going over everything and he wanted to make sure nothing was left undone."

Made sense. And I knew he would be here soon. Both of my parents loved Eva. I can see why. She was beautiful that's for sure. But thinking back, I realized she had this strength about her, how she held herself. Then I had to go and make things worse. Gosh, I'm such a horrible person."Stop beating yourself up, son! You didn't know! "

"I know dad, but damn. I didn't help her situation at all, that's for sure. Wait, I thought you were still at Eva's house?"

"I was, but there was basically nothing there at all. No pictures, nothing. There wasn't even any food in the kitchen. I'm not saying this to make you feel worse, you just deserve to know what's going on. We did find a few bags of chips, and wrappers to other bags and stuff under her bed. She was hiding them. Michelle, it was the food, you gave her."

Mom teared up again, "Oh god! Are you telling me, that they weren't letting her eat either? And all she had was the food I snuck into her bag? I wish I gave her more!" She cried.

"That's what it looks like. But we won't know everything until Eva wakes up. They are still going to investigate though. Talk to the teachers, her friends and see if they ever saw her eating lunch. Michelle, don't say that. You probably saved that girls life by giving her what you did. It would explain her fainting at the house. She didn't lie to us completely."

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