Chapter 20: The Confession

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Me: Okay, so here is what will happen. This chapter will be finishing the case. The last two chapters will be telling about what happens for their future.I am sorry to those of you who would like this story to continue forever. I am grateful to everyone who has been reading my story, and I hope that if you read other stories of mine you will enjoy those too.

Mai: I don't like endings.

Monk: *rests his arm on Mai's head* Endings are, sadly, bound to happen, Mai.

Everyone but Lin and Naru: *cries*

Naru: Ugh, will you all just shut up already. I am relieved this is ending. *glares at them*

Lin: Debrawriter does not own ghost hunt. Enjoy the chapter. *stops Naru from attacking everyone since they keep bawling and telling him he is a jerk*



May 9th

~ 3rd person~

Nothing else had happen the rest of the day, after (Y/N)'s dream. So after they woke up the next day they came up with a plan.

Everyone starts doing things that make them really happy, hoping that it will get the spirit's attention. (Y/N) is to watch for him and talk to him, before he freezes anyone.

As they are all doing their different things, they start smiling and laughing. (Y/N) is watching for the spirit, but she doesn't see him, before she starts getting cold. So she starts to talk, "Why don't you like it when others are happy? Please, talk to me, I can help you." She looks at everyone and notices that those who are happy haven't felt the cold yet. She is feeling the cold the most, and Naru and Lin, who aren't smiling and laughing, are getting visibly cold too.

"Please talk to me. We want to help you." she waits a couple minutes but she doesn't see or hear anything. "Naru, Lin, you both need to do something, or at least think of something, that makes you happy. If you are happy he has to work more to make you cold." 

(Y/N) feels someone standing by her and looks to see the old man looking at her angrily. "Talk to me, use your words." As she is staring at him, she feels her feet start to get even colder. She looks down to see ice enveloping her feet, just like in her dream.

~Naru's POV~

When (Y/N) tells Lin and I to think of things that make us happy, I think of the times I have spent with her. Like when she woke up from the coma and I was so happy to see her awake.

I look at her to notice she is staring at the empty space next to her, which means the spirit is standing there. She then looks down at her feet and so do I.

Her feet are being encircled by ice. I tell her, "Think of happy thoughts, (Y/N)." I cringe at my saying that. But she doesn't seem to hear me. I quickly walk over to her as the room starts getting colder, and the ice starts going up her legs. "Just talk to me." She keeps saying to the spirit.

I get up to her and tell her the same thing I said a minute ago, cringing again, but she still doesn't hear me. I try to think of something that could make her happy, but only one thing pops up.

 "(Y/N)... I... Love you."

She turns and looks at me, as the room starts warming up again. Then we all see something amazing.

Two spirits show up in front of us, an old man and a young lady. The young lady walks up to him. "I get it now. That is what you wanted to tell me before I died in the crash." She pats his cheek and looks to us.

 "Thank you. We were friends in our last year of school, but he couldn't talk, he was born without the ability to speak. He had written me a letter saying he wanted me to know something. so he asked me to meet him. That way he could see my reaction to his next letter. On my way to meet him, I got in a crash and died. He died in this hotel, many years later, but he still couldn't speak. He didn't want others to be happy until I knew what he had wanted to say. Turns out he just needed a guy to tell a girl that he loves her, that way he could let me know that is what he had wanted to say." Then the two of them wave goodbye, holding each other close.

I turn to look at (Y/N). "I know you love me Naru." Then she kisses my cheek and says, "Let's all go home now."

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