Chapter 1: Meeting The Hunters

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Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost hunt. You own, well, you. I own the characters I made up to add to the story.

December 3rd

With the gang

~3rd Person~

Naru called everyone letting them know he was back and was planning to start up SPR again. Everybody rushed to arrive, excited that they could start again. They all agreed to join him on the cases once again. Mai was being extremely jumpy, annoying Naru. "Mai, tea." He said wanting her to stop jumping. "Fine, narcissistic, tea loving jerk." She whispers, and heads into the kitchen. He went into his office and sat at his desk, right then the phone rang. He picks up the phone and brings it to his ear.

"Hello. This is Shibuya Psychic Reasearch." Naru says. "I was calling to ask if you could come to my school. Oh, sorry, I am Principle Akiyama of Clearwater High School." Naru sighs. "Please tell me what has been happening." "Oh, yes, of course. All this year we have been having... well, strange, events happening. We have had students being possessed then getting injured, some have gotten severe injuries, we have even had a few die. And the same things have happened to some of the teachers. We have also had glass breaking suddenly, sudden knocking sounds, and some of the students and teachers have been hearing strange sounds, when no one else is around them, including voices. Please say you will help." Naru thinks for a minute. 'This seems like a good case to do to get started again.' "We'll do it." "Oh, thank you!" Naru tells the principle they will need a few rooms to work and sleep in. The principle says he will have them ready tomorrow.

He walks out to the main area, (not sure what to call it) just as Mai is walking out of the kitchen with tea. She hands him his tea, as he says, "We have a case." Everyone looks at him excited to hear what their first case back is. He takes a sip of tea and explains the case to them, still drinking some tea as he goes. "We will be leaving tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp, do not be late." He looks at Mai. "Okay, I get it!" She exclaims.

December 4th

~Naru's POV~

Lin and I are packing things into the van while we wait for the others to arrive. Then slowly they start appearing one after the other. When it is almost time to leave Mai still isn't here. Then we see Mai running towards us in a panic. "You're late Mai." I state to her. "Sorry... My alarm... didn't go off... this morning." Then she takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'm all ready to go." Then we all load up and head on our way to Clearwater High.

At the school

~ (Your name)'s POV~

I walk into my classroom and head over to my desk by the window. Then the loudspeaker turns on. "(Your first name) (Your last name), please come to the principle's office." So I put down my bag then head to Principle Akiyama's office. When I arrive he starts to talk. "Thank you for coming today. We have some guests coming this morning and I would like you to show them around. Tell them where the problem places have been this year and answer their questions. They are here to deal with our ghost problem." I smile at him, a bit irritated. 'Why couldn't he ask me to do it?' "Of course sir." "Good, I knew you would do it, you are such a sweet girl." I bow and walk out to the school entrance, when I see a van and a car pull into parking spaces.

They get out and walk over to me, I bow and speak to them, with a smile on my face. "Welcome, to our school. I am (First Name) (Last Name). Thank you for coming to help us. If you need anything all you need to do is ask me, I will be helping all of you while you are here." Then a boy looking to be just a bit older than me steps forward. " I am Kazuya Shibuya." "He is our boss!" A short girl about my age, with brown hair says. "This is my assistant Mai Taniyama. This is Lin Kōujo, Masako Hara, Osamu Yasuhara, Ayako Matsuzaki, Hōshō Takigawa, and John Brown." Then they all wave and say hello. "It is nice to meet all of you. But, Kazuya Shibuya? That doesn't seem like that is your actual name." That is when everyone looks at me in shock, even Lin and "Kazuya" as they say. "Whatever, I'm sure you have a reason for hiding your true self." Then he stops me. "Why would you think I am hiding my true self?" "Oh, I am a gifted individual, just like you are gifted. With powers many wouldn't believe. Now, please follow me."

I guide them through the school, pointing out the gym, and different classrooms that attacks have happened in the most often. Then we approach my classroom. "This is my classroom, another one where many attacks have happened. The spirits here are often angered. Though, I still don't know why. That is why the principle wanted me to guide you, I know more than anyone else about what has been going on." Then Kazuya speaks up. "So you already knew for sure there are spirits here. Why didn't he tell us?" "I told him you would decide to come anyways. After all you would think that it is a good case to get started on in coming back." He looks at me suspiciously. "How did you know that?" I think for a second. "Well, I'll just say this. It's hard sometimes to have dreams that always come true. It's also how I know who you really are. Now, I will take you to your base and on the way show you the rooms you can rest in."

After I help get them settled into their base, I head to class. After I step in I see an angry spirit about to attack the teacher. 'Leave my teacher alone.' The spirit turns to me and heads straight for me. I scream, then blackout.


A/N: So this is my first fanfiction. I really love the anime and the manga of Ghost Hunt. I hope that you enjoy it all.

How Did You? (Naru X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora