Chapter 6: The Little Girl

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Me: Be warned, knives will be flying today. Not pigs, but knives. Oh, and everybody say hello to Ayako.

Ayako: Why did I have to come here?

Monk: Because your a part of all of this too, you know.

Ayako: I guess I can. Here, Debrawriter does not own Ghost Hunt or you. Enjoy the chapter.

Monk: Good job, you old lady.

Ayako: *hits Monk upside the head with her purse*
December 7th

~(Your name)'s POV~

"Be careful, he wants to kill you." As soon as Mai says it I freeze. "What? That makes no sense." I look over at Naru, and he seems to be thinking about what Mai said. "Lin." Lin nods, seeming to know what Naru is thinking. Then I ask, "Naru, what are you thinking?" "Lin will be protecting you while we are on this case." He says, and I get angry. "I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone protecting me 24/7. Don't worry about me, I will be perfectly fine." He stares at me and I stare at him, causing a heavy atmosphere. We stay like that for several minutes, but Naru will not give up. So, I sigh, giving up myself. "Fine, if you have to have Lin protecting me. I don't care anymore." I say, causing Naru to smirk.

I start to walk out of the room, Lin following me. I keep walking down the hall, then turn a corner, and knowing that there are no cameras that could see me, I quickly hide. I see Lin turn the corner, then look around, and worriedly heads off to search for me. I wait a bit then get out giggling. It sure is fun to mess with Lin.

I start to head back to base, because I did my messing around already. As I am walking, I see a little girl who seems to be just five years old. "They are bad people, I don't like them!" Then she disappears. I hurry into the base, and tell Naru what happened. So, we walk out to the kitchen, where we find our clients, and he asks Mr. and Mrs. Mitsui if he could talk with them. They sit down, and he asks, "Have you had any involvement with a child that died at a young age?"

That is when Mr. Mitsui freezes and then says, "Yes. I have been married before, I had a little girl. Her name was Chino. One day, when she was just four, she was feeling sick, so we took care of her like you normally would with a sick child. But it kept getting worse, so we took her to the hospital. The doctors told us she had acute lymphocytic leukemia. At that point, she couldn't be helped, they said she had a year to live, if lucky. So from that day we started to spend as much time as we could with her. Having fun together as a family, while we still could. She had been lucky and lived for the full year, but then... we lost our little angel. That is what started my ex-wife and I to start drifting apart. Chino died just over three years ago. But, why does that matter?"

Then I tell him about what had happened, and he looks very sad. "So, your saying that Chino is the one doing all of this?" Naru nods and says, "That is the most likely case. She probably thinks that you abandoned her and her mother. It also causes her to hate your new wife, thinking that she is the reason you left." Then all the lights flicker off, making it so the only light we have is the moonlight. Then Chino appears in front of all of us. "You left us, why did you leave daddy?"

He starts to slowly walk over to her. "Sweety, I didn't leave." "Liar!! You are a liar!! You never cared about me or mommy!! You are a meany!!" That is when knives start flying all over the room. While we are trying to dodge them Monk and Lin get Mr. and Mrs. Mitsui out off the room. Then Chino says, "You are all in the way! Leave now!!!" We are all trying to figure out what to do. Then I think about something, that seems a bit off. So I stop where I am and kneel down. "Chino?" She stops and looks at me. "I was told a man is after me, is there a man that is in here with you all the time. She shakes her head. "No, but there is a guy who told me to tell you something. What was it?...... Oh, now I remember. He says that he will have control of your powers, he will come back to life using your powers, then he will rule the world." "Thank you Chino." "Of course. You seem nice, so I won't hurt you. But even if you ask me not to, I will attack these other people until I see that they are actually kind." Then she disappears, and I sigh. "Well, that is worrisome."

Later that night, we have helped clean up the mess in the kitchen and head to our base. Naru looks at the computer screens then he looks towards all of us. "Everything seems to be good for the night. Go get some rest, today has been a busy day." So, I agreed and went to get ready for bed right away. Before we fell asleep, all of us girls talked a bit, so that they could get to know me, and for me to get to know them, better. Afterwards, we turn off the lights and crawl into bed. Before I fall asleep, I think, 'Well, today was crazy. But, who is the man after my powers. Coming back alive after a long time is impossible though, right?'

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