Chapter 17: The Plan and Leaving

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Everyone except Naru: Hi! Hello!

Me: *tears in my eyes from laughing* Hello everyone!

Naru: If you don't stop laughing I will throw you out the window.

Me: No, it's t-too funny I-I can't jus-just stop laughing.

Lin: Naru doesn't like the nicknames his parents gave him in the last chapter.

Naru: What I don't like is the fact they actually call me those and Debrawriter decided to share them.

Ayako: We will deal with this, you all enjoy this chapter. Debrawriter does not own Ghost Hunt.

Me: Itty- bitty-witty-*bursts out laughing*


April 3rd

~Naru POV~

My parents have just called me saying that they have an idea. I ask them what the idea is, barely being able to contain how excited I am to see Y/N again.

"She and her siblings need to be able to pack all of their things. We have found some information that we can use to make sure her mother has to let her and her siblings go, because of some things that she has done. After we are able to use that information we need to be able to get them far away from that woman. So we figured we could bring them here."

Then I realized why we were gonna be going to England. I say that I will talk to everyone and get in contact with Y/N and talk to her. They say that they will be waiting for the answer.

I get everyone to gather together and tell them what they idea is, then I call Y/N late at night to tell her the idea. "Let's do it." She says. "It is the best option we have.

So we start to put the plan into action starting with my parents getting on their private jet and flying over here. Y/N and her siblings are working on packing their things every opportunity they have. Keeping it hidden from their mother.

When my parents arrive they start off by saying, "Honey-plum-sugar-plum! We missed you so much!" Which gets everyone laughing, also causing me to be happy Y/N isn't here. They tell us of terrible things that Y/N's mother has been doing throughout her life. Including multiple hit-and-run accidents, and thefts, that she didn't get any punishment for, simply because her kids "needed" her.

My parents leave to take care of that. Quickly they have a good result. That woman is now being put on trial for the things she has done.

May 5th

Finally, she has been arrested for a total of 60 years with all the things she has done adding up. She has a chance of parole at 30 years, but by then all her kids will be adults, so there won't be a single problem after that.

We start getting things sent to England, everyone having of decided that they were going to move too, since they don't want us all to get separated. So it seems all of our team is moving.

When we are about to get on my parents private jet I grab ahold of Y/N and hug her, which is something I have been doing every day I have gotten to see her since this plan started. When I hug her it definitely does surprise everyone, since I typically wouldn't do anything like that, but I honestly don't care.


I arrive at the airport with my siblings and head to Naru's parents' private jet, which is for sure something new to us. When we get back there everyone else is already there, and Naru gives me a big hug, like he has been doing recently. I think it's cute when he does that.

When he lets go of me his parents walk up to me. His mother then says, "Sorry we haven't been able to properly introduce ourselves yet, my name is Liliana, and this is my husband James." She says, shaking my hand incredibly enthusiastically. When she lets go I shake hands with her husband, James.

We all board the plane and get into our seats, I am sitting next to Naru, and we buckle up as we take off on our way to England. As we are flying Liliana and James keep asking me questions, wanting to get to now me better. I almost feel like I am at an interview again, except it is not being recorded, which is a big relief.

We are able to eat some delicious food as we travel, which make all my siblings happy. I feel joy that I haven't felt for a while, which causes me to cry happy tears.

"What's wrong?" James asks.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong. I am just so relieved to be able to live how I want to, once again." I reply.

I instantly am getting attacked with hugs, all of my friends being happy for me.

"Let's party!!!!!" Mai screams.

"Mai, quiet down." Naru and I say in sync.

Everything is back to normal.

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