Chapter 10: Everyday

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Me: Helloooooooooooooooooooo again!

Mai and Monk: Heya!

Ayako and Masako: Hi.

Lin: *waves*

Me: Naru say hi.

Naru: Why were you so loud?

Me: I'm happy. Now, let's get down to business.

Masako: Disclaimer, Debrawriter does not own Ghost Hunt, or you.

Mai: It would be creepy if she did own you. *shivers*

Me: Thanks Mai. *sighs* On to the story.

February 10th

~Naru's POV~

On December 10th, was a sad day for us all. Shortly after we had started working on the case, (Your name) fell into a coma. She hasn't woken up since, which worries us all. Everyday since has been basically the same.

Every second of everyday I am by her side waiting, hoping, for her to wake up. We keep trying to figure out everything about that terrible man, yet we haven't found a thing. All the research comes up with nothing new, causing me to have sudden outbursts. I sit there by (Your name)'s bed, begging her to wake up, but it never works. The doctors keep telling us that there is no hope at this point, but I will never let her go. I feel as if I'd die, if I didn't have her in my life. So I will never give up, no matter what.

"(Your name), I love you, so please... wake up. I need you back, you can slap me, punch me, yell at me, anything, just wake up for me." I beg her once again, thinking that maybe this time it might work, but once again, my pleas are left unanswered. Behind me, Lin speaks up. "By now, I have heard you say that many times. If you really want to help her solve this case." I turn and stare at him. "I try! I really do try! But we keep coming up with nothing. If she was awake, she would have solved it long ago. I never noticed just how long our cases had been in the past. But she solves them in such a small amount of time. Without her we might never solve this case, and maybe even more."

Lin sighs, then says, "Okay Noll. I understand. Now, at this point it has been two months, we need to take a case to get some more money." "No! We need to solve this first!" I reply, angry that he would even suggest it. "Noll, we don't know how long she will be out and we will need money to keep her here. I know that you don't ever want to borrow money from your parents. So unless you are going to borrow money from them, you need to take another case."

I know that he is right, but I don't want to admit it. '(Your name), what should I do?' Then I hear her voice in my head, saying, "Come on Naru, do it." I see her face with a big smile. Then I turn to look at her, still laying there, in a coma. I turn back to Lin, "Get me all the information we have for possible cases nearby." He nods, then hands me a stack of files. I smirk, at the fact he knew I would want them, then start looking through them.

~five hours later~

Thirty cases to choose from. 'How did we get this many cases handed in? Oh yea..... We haven't done any of them for two months.' Luckily looking through them I was able to figure out most of them. Most of them were people who thought they had a ghost problem, but they did not, and by doing so, wasted some of my precious time. Now we have five actual cases to work on. I grab one to look through it once again.

Client name: Yukiyama Kojuro
Info: Single man. Lives in apartment, self-employed. He is a music teacher, who teaches singing, piano, guitar, and drums.
Report: In his building, that he teaches in, instruments have been playing by themselves. Students have started acting strangely. Some will talk in an old man's voice saying strange things, such as, "You shouldn't be here." Some even make sudden death threats. A couple students have tried to kill themselves right in front of him. Wants to find out what is going on and stop it, so his students don't start leaving or dying.

Looks like I found our next case.


Okay everybody. So this chapter is sort of a filler, but it starts us into the next case. I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter! See you there!

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