Chapter 7: The Girl I Like

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Me: Welcome back!

Mai: Hello!

Monk: Hey!

Ayako: Hi.

Naru: *annoyed*

Me: Naru, I wish you would say hello to everybody.

Mai: I am so happy! Debrawriter had her birthday on October 8th, Now she is 16! ( As of when this chapter is published.)

Me: Mai! I didn't want you telling everybody😫 ,,,Anyways,welcome Lin!

Lin: *waves slightly*

Me:  Sorry I haven't updated in so long, writer's block got in the way, along with school and, well, just life. Now, Lin can you say that line for us please?

Lin: *nods* Debrawriter does not own Ghost Hunt or you. Enjoy.
December 8th

~Naru's POV~

Lin stayed up watching the cameras and I fell asleep on the couch in the base. When I wake up I see (Your name) in front of me, smiling. I quickly sit up, and ask, "Why are you smiling at me?" She stands up straight and says, "Well, you were sleeping so peacefully. I don't normally see you so calm. Even in my dreams. So it only made sense." I get up and walk over to Lin, looking at the computer screens. Everything looks normal right now, then I notice something coming towards the door.

'Mai! When everything is calm and peaceful she just has to come to make noise.' Then Mai opens the door and says, "Good morning!!!" (Your name) and I both groan, being annoyed by the noise brought in by Mai. "Mai, tea." I say hoping for some more peace and quiet. When Mai walks out, (Your name) seems to be happy with the quiet too. She sits down with a smile on her face. Seeing her smile almost causes me to smile. She seems, to somehow, be able to melt the ice around my heart. I look at her with a small smile on my face. She glances at me and starts to giggle. 'Oh, how adorable she is.' I shake my head, 'Focus on the case, not on your little crush.' Then I get back to work.

After a few minutes pass by, the peace is ruined by everybody walking in. Mai hands each of us tea, and I slowly sip at it while I work. Then I see (Your name) walk up next to me. Then she whispers, "Naru, is there anything at all going on? 'Cause I'm getting pretty bored here." I shake my head no, which causes her to frown. I then ask her, "You were able to get that little girl, what was her name, oh yes, Chino, to warm up to you very speedily. Do you have any idea as to how we can stop her?" Then she starts to pout for some reason. "We are not STOPPING her, we are HELPING her. And to answer your question, I might actually know what we could do." I look directly at her and tell her to continue.

"Well, she said she wouldn't hurt me because she could tell I am a kind person, but she would keep hurting everybody else until she could tell that they are kind. I think if she sees that all of us are kind people then she will be able to move on, being able to tell that there is good in the world. But, in order to do that we would need to get the clients to leave for awhile, she is just to angry to forgive them right now, even if they didn't do anything wrong." I nod, and think about the different possibilities of results. "Lin." Lin looks to me, ready to receive orders. "You heard her idea, let's get a hotel for the clients to stay in. We also need to make sure the Chino girl won't notice they are leaving. We will also have to figure out ways to show that we are kind. Let's get started." I tell everybody what they need to do, and we all get to work.

Monk and John are working in the kitchen, then on the computer screen I see knives starting to float in the air pointing at John. Monk notices the knives right when they start towards John. He then runs over and pulls John out of the way. Then I hear (Your name) say, she will trust Monk now. On the screen we see Chino appear in front of them and she says, "You protected your friend, you are a kind person, I like you now. I promise not to hurt you." Then she disappears once again. I look at (Your name) and think, 'She is very special, I need to help her figure out her powers more.'

At the end of the day the clients are in a hotel so they are safe, and everything stays calm for the rest of the day. Everyone starts heading to bed, except for Lin, (Your name), and me. We stay in the base, Lin watching the monitors. I am writing down everything from the day so I can possibly figure something out.

After a few minutes pass by I look up and see (Your name) asleep on the couch. I get up and grab a blanket, then cover her with it, to make sure she stays warm. That is when Chino appears in front of me. "You are a kind person, I promise not to hurt you." Then she disappears again. I sit down and write what just happened. Staying by (Your name), the girl I like.

Hello everybody, I hope that makes you smile. Sorry, it is so short, I just wanted to get a bit more ready and sent out, hoping you all wouldn't hate me. Once again, I am so sorry for taking so long to update. Having writers block is no fun at all. I also am starting another fanfic, so if any of you like the anime Vampire Knight please go on my profile and find it, then read it and let me know what you think. It is a Kaname X OC fanfic, so I hope it's good. And for those of you who haven't seen or even heard about Vampire Knight till now, I totally suggest it if you are into romance, vampires, and a bit of action. Anyways, thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter!

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