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~Your pov~

I got off the shuttle and looked around. I smiled to myself, 'I'm finally on the Citadel!' I smiled as I looked around and held up a piece of paper. 'Grandpa said he had an apartment here for me...he talked to the council about it...' I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I looked around, my eyes landed on a statue of the war hero. Jane Shepard. The one who gave her life to stop the Reapers two years ago. 'She worked alongside grandpa...back when he was Admiral to the Alliance...' I stared at the statue, 'she's gorgeous' I smiled as I stared at it, I then looked at the piece of paper again and sat down on a bench. 'I've never been to the Citadel before...' I let out a sigh as I looked around again, I saw a Turian walking up to me, he held bags in his hands, wore a visor over one of his eyes, had electric blue eyes, blue warpaint on his face and a scar on the right side of his face. "You look lost" he spoke as I stared at him, "I am" I chuckled as he cocked his head to the side, "this your first time on the Citadel?" he asked as his eyes traveled up the statue and he looked away quickly. "Y-Yeah...my grandpa said that he had an apartment here for me...my parents died when the Reapers hit Earth...he tried to take me in but he couldn't because he was the Admiral and he wasn't allowed to do it...so he sent me to live with my grandmother who was on another world far from the Reapers" I explained as he stared at me.

"Your Hacketts granddaughter?" he asked as I nodded, "huh...I didn't even know he had a granddaughter" he spoke as I smiled. "Well, my girlfriend worked for him and in a way, everyone on her ship worked for him...how can I help?" he asked, amusement laced in his eyes. "I'm trying to find this place" I handed him the paper, he looked at it, "oh! You're my neighbor...I moved into Shepard's old apartment...it...felt like the right thing to do at the time" he whispered as I cocked my head to the side, "you know the Commander?" I asked as he nodded, "we were close..." he spoke as he looked away, 'holy shit! They dated!' I blinked a few times and held my bag. "You gonna show me where to go...oooooor...." I joked as he chuckled, "yeah. C'mon..." he gestured for me to follow him. We walked around for a few minutes until he left me at my door. "Let me know if you need anything," he told me as I smiled. "Uh...I would like to know your name" I said as he chuckled. "I'm Garrus Vakarian" he spoke as I smiled, "Y/n L/n" I then shook his hand (your mom was Hackett's daughter so you still have your last name...unless you want Hacketts last name) "it was nice to meet you. Uh...just so you know. It's probably gonna get loud over at my place and that's only because I'm having a get together with my old friends...just letting you know. Don't be afraid to come over and tell us to keep it down" he told me as I giggled. "All right..." I smiled as he chuckled, he waved bye and then walked into his apartment as I walked into mine. I looked around I sighed as I threw my bag onto the black couch, 'wow! Grandad wasted no expense...' I looked around (your apartment basically looked like Shepards only with different color beds, couches, cabinets, and things like that), I walked up the steps that led to the balcony that held some chairs. I walked into my bedroom and into the bathroom. 'Whoa...a hot tub bathtub?! Aw! Grandad is the fucking best' I smiled as I continued to explore my new home, 'I could get used to this' I smiled as I heard the phone (phone? Yeah sure) start to ring. I walked downstairs, walked into the office and answered it. "Yellow?" I answered as my grandad chuckled, "glad to hear you made it" he spoke as I smiled, "you went all out didn't you?", "you deserve the best. Your mother's legacy lives on in you now...I may not have been there for her when she was a child...but I'll be damned if I won't be there for you..." he spoke as I grew quiet, "she never hated you, you know that right grandpa?" I asked as he grew quiet, "I know..." he whispered, we remained silent for a moment, "I met someone today" I said, "oh?" he asked as I giggled, "his name is Garrus Vakarian and he lives in Shepard's old apartment...he told me that he knew her" I told him. "Garrus...that's a name I haven't heard in years. I remember when Shepard would talk about him. The way her eyes shined, it warmed my heart to see that even though with all the hell that was going on, she managed to find something to give her peace and keep her grounded" he spoke as I smiled.

"I'll leave you to be now Y/n...call me if you need anything. You hear?" he asked as I chuckled, "okay" I spoke, "I love you Y/n" he spoke as I smiled, "I love you too grandpa" I spoke, and with that, we hung up. I sighed as I started to unpack my clothes. Once that was done, I changed into my pajamas, and went to sleep.

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