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When we boarded the ship, it was eerily quiet, it was just Garrus, Tali, and I. The lights were off and there were no people to be seen, "is it just me, or does this place seem a little too quiet?" Garrus asked, "I was just thinking the same thing" Tali responded as I scanned the area, "this is a rather large ship, maybe the survivors found a place to hide" I spoke as I looked around with my flashlight, "should we split up?" Tali asked as we looked at Garrus who was thinking again, "Garrus?" she asked, "no if there's one thing we learned from Shep, we never split up" he spoke, "all right" she spoke as we started walking, we walked past a hallway, and I looked down it, hearing something, Garrus and Tali were moving ahead, I glanced back at them and then headed down the hallway, I scanned the hallway and checked the rooms as I walked down the hall. 'What was that noise?' I mentally asked as I entered a room and saw a bunch of women and children, they were terrified, "Hey, it's okay, I'm Y/n L/n. I'm here with the Normandy, we're here to help" I spoke as I gave them a friendly smile, "you shouldn't have come Y/n" spoke a woman as I gave her a confused looked, then someone struck me on the back of my head and knocked me out. 

~Garrus' pov~

I turned to check on Y/n and Tali when I noticed that Y/n was missing, "where's Y/n?" I asked Tali who looked around, "she was just here!" she spoke as she looked at me with what I could only assume was only shock behind her mask, "where was the last place you saw her?" I asked her as she sighed and grew quiet, "back when you told us not to split up" she told me as I nodded and we backtracked, while going back the lights were turned on which put the two of us on edge, we walked down a hallway, walked into a room and saw a bunch of women and children in it. "Was there a female human in here earlier?" I asked as one of the kids nodded, "some man came up behind her, knocked her out, and left with her." he told me, "Joker! Was there a shuttle that left this ship?" I asked over the coms, "yeah. I assumed it was one of the survivors escaping. Why?" he asked, "because whoever attacked this ship set a trap for us. I'll explain when I get back, for now, radio the Alliance, tell them that we need shuttles to get these people off the ship" I spoke with a sigh as I rubbed my eyes slightly, 'and this was why I didn't want her to come with us. Something in me knew this was going to happen, but I ignored the feeling because she wanted to come with us. Now I have to tell Hackett that his granddaughter was just kidnapped by someone and we have to get her back,' I mentally spoke as Tali and I headed back to The Normandy. 

Once on the Normandy, I explained everything to the crew. "So, how do we get her back? Do we even know who took her?" Liara asked, "security cams on the ship got an image of the man" I spoke as we looked at EDI, "can you pull it up?" I asked, "right away" she nodded as she pulled up the feed, we watched as Y/n entered the room, talked to the people, and saw how someone knocked her out. "Wait...it can't be. Go back to when he enters the room" I spoke as the feed started to rewind, "hold there", she stopped the video of when the man entered the room behind Y/n, "zoom and enhance" I added, she did as I asked, the video cleared up to reveal someone no of us expected to see. "How? I thought Shepard killed him!" Joker spoke, "she did, EDI and I were right there when she did it!" I exclaimed, "she stabbed him in the stomach" EDI spoke, "Then how did he survive?" Tali asked as we all stared at the image, "that's a good question, maybe it's like when we all faced down Shepard's clone...maybe this is a clone of Kai Leng" Javik spoke as we looked at him, "well, whatever he is...he has Y/n...and there's no telling what he's doing to her right now as we speak." I said, "if he's back...and a possible clone, then maybe the Illusive Man also has a clone, and...goddess" Liara spoke.

"I don't want to think about what they might be doing to her right now" I shook my head, "where do we even begin to look?" Kaiden asked as Traynor got on the comm, " Admiral Hackett is available on vis com" she spoke as I sighed, "EDI, do what you can to find some type of trail, dismissed" I spoke as I walked into the room where so Hackett and I could talk, "Garrus, I got your email, what's so important that you had to pry me away from spending time with my wife?" he asked as I sighed and looked at the ground, "it's about Y/n, sir" I spoke, "what about her?" he asked as I remained quiet, he took a deep breath. "Is she dead?" he asked "spirits I hope not..." I shook my head, "we got a distress signal, we decided to stop and try to help, Y/n, split up from the team, and...she was kidnapped...I can send over the report and the video feed of what happened, but you should know that it was Kai Leng" I spokke as I looked at him. "I thought Shepard killed Leng", "I did too, EDI and I were in the room with her when she did it. But this is Cerberus, they had rescourses to clone Shepard, they probably had rescources to do the same for Leng and the Illusive Man" I told him as he sighed, "if the Illusive Man is back then this could mean war..." he told me as I nodded, "I understand,", "Garrus, I want you to find out what's going on, where my granddaughter is, get her back, and put an end to Cerberus if you can" he told me, "and if I can't sir?" I asked cocking my head to the side slightly, "then I'll have to come out of retirement so that we could finish what the commader started with Cerberus" he spoke, "let's hope it doesn't come to that" I said, "agreed, you have your mission now. I trust you to do it quickly and get her back" he spoke as I nodded. "Yessir!" I spoke as the transmission ended. 'Spirits! This might've gotten a lot more compliated' I sighed

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