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"Thoughts?" he asked when we stopped dancing, "that was actually a lot of fun" I spoke as he lifted me back up because he had dipped me at the end of the dance, he chuckled softly as we took our seat, "so, what exactly are you doing here?" he asked as I looked at him, "Shepard wanted me to meet her here, you?" I told him, "the same, but I don't think she's gon-..." he trailed off as Shepard walked up, "good, you're both here" she smiled as she sat down with us, "so, the reason I've asked the both of you here is that I wanted to talk to you Y/n" she spoke as I cocked my head slightly in confusion. "Garrus and I...are no longer together, don't get me wrong, I love him and I'll always love him, just like I know he'll always love me. But, before I died, I told him that if I don't make it back then he needs to move on and be happy with someone. He did...and he was happy with you when he told me this, I wasn't heartbroken or anything of the sort, I was understanding and very happy that he fell in love with someone. I'm not going to take his happiness away. As much as I love him, I love The Normandy more my heart will always be with The Normandy. But you're heart..." she spoke as she took Garrus' hands and my hands, "is with him, just as you have his heart...or hearts, I don't know how many hearts a Turian has" she spoke as we all started laughing, "we have one heart Commander" Garrus spoke as she smiled.

"I will ask that I borrow him for a few days for missions and stuff like that" she added as I giggled slightly, "well, Cerberus kidnapped and tortured me so why not take the both of us?" I asked as she cocked her head slightly, "I'm one hell of a biotic", "she is, I've fought her before" Garrus spoke as she thought for a moment, "welcome aboard then Y/n" she smiled as I thought for a moment, "Artemis" I simply said as they looked at me, both were confused, "I want to go by Artemis now" I told them, "but only when we're on missions", "why?" she asked as I smiled, "gotta keep the reputation of Artemis alive y'know...kinda like Archangel" I shrugged as Garrus groaned, "I regret telling you about that" he spoke as I laughed, "all right! So, you two all good?" she asked as I nodded, "yeah, we're good" I smiled as she smiled again, "great! So, I'm gonna see what Kaiden is up to you" she spoke as she walked off, "wanna head back to my place so you can meet Vopius?" I asked as he chuckled, "Is that all I'd be doing?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "haven't decided," I joked as he chuckled.

We headed back to my place where I sat on the couch next to him as he talked to my Varren, "think Shep will allow me to take a Varren with me onto the Normandy?" I asked as he pets Vopius, "don't know, you'd have to ask her" he spoke as I stared at him, 'what is it about him that I find so damn attractive...gotta be the voice...and his eyes' I mentally spoke as he looked at me, "what?" he asked as I cocked my head, "you're starring, what's wrong?" he asked again as I smiled and shook my head. "Nothing's wrong, just admiring you," I told him as he chuckled, "so! I have a question for you, Shepard never really told me" he started as he turned slightly to look at me, "what's up?" I asked as he seemed nervous. "H-How do human wedding work?" he asked as I thought for a moment.

"Well, tell me how a Turian wedding works and I'll tell you what we do different," I told him, "well when we get married, our partner normally wears the same color warpaint as we do...an example would be us. If we were to get married then you'd have to have the same warpaint that I have painted on your face, same color, and same design." he spoke as I stared at him, "if we ever get married?" I asked cocking my head, "well, yeah. I do plan on marrying you one day. You're my mate..." he told me as I cocked my head, "I know we're talking about something serious, but what exactly does it mean that we're mated together? I know it's a symbol to other Turians that I'm not on the market...but what does it mean to you?" I asked as he stared at me and tried to find the right words. "It means, that if you were to talk to someone, without meaning to...I'll get super jealous, I'm very protective of you and will do anything to make you happy...even if you end up hating me and wanted me to get out of your life...if it'll make you happy...I'll do it. It changed the behavior of a Turian when they're mated with someone." he explained, "sounds obsessive" I simply said as he nodded. 

"I know" he spoke as I smiled, "let's get back to the wedding stuff," I said as he chuckled, "we also have what we call Vokim" he spoke as I arched an eyebrow, he chuckled a little, "people play music, they dance, present us with the gifts they've brought us, and then we dance with our partner a special dance just between the two of us, if our partner gets the steps wrong, it's a sign of a bad marriage" he explained "what's that called? Or does it also have a fancy name?" I asked as he chuckled "Likoham is what we call it", "fancy name" I joked as he chuckled, "So, how do humans get married?" he asked as I chuckled, "we're not as fancy as you. We just dress up, the person who raised us walks us down an aisle, hands us off to our partners, we say vows, the priest says to the man that he can now kiss the bride, we kiss, then we party, eat cake, drink champagne, and that's it" I spoke as he stared at me, "oh! We also have to have sex to consummate the marriage" I added as he chuckled a little, "we do that too" he nodded as I laughed. 

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