Chapter 5

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Thomas’s P.O.V 3rd person

            Falling asleep was harder then Thomas had thought… Something stuck in his mind. Autumn. Thomas had heard her sing. The sound of her voice made the birds stop chirping to listen, the wind to slow so it could softly carry her voice throughout the world. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop and follow but he couldn’t help it. Then when Thomas started singing and she joined in. It seemed like time had stopped completely, their voices lacing around each other’s in perfect harmony as they continued to sing. Something tingled inside of him as he remembered their duet. Something about her made him feel… different. Every time he saw her, his heart raced and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

No! I can’t be falling for a girl I just met! He thought to himself, there’s no such thing as true love at first sight. He soon shook off any feelings he had and let himself drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Autumn’s P.O.V

            My eyes flutter open. I sit up wincing slightly; my muscles are sore from all the playing around yesterday. I stretch and get up. I change into jean capris, an orange T-shirt and my hiking shoes. I got out of my tent, zipped it back up and walked to the cabin. As I was walking I had noticed it was only six or seven in the morning. I never get up this early unless for school. Oh well can’t go back to sleep now. Once I reached the cabin I walked in quietly and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth then walked out. I smiled as I heard people snoring. I walked to the kitchen and ripped off a piece of paper from the notepad on the fridge. I grabbed a pen and wrote a letter to whoever the first person up was. It said:

Dear anyone who reads this,  I am going to go take a small hike up the mountain and I will be back around noon. Don’t worry I am bringing plenty of water, some snacks, a hunting knife and a walkie-talkie.  ~Autumn, 6:37 am.

I left the note on the counter so it is visible for even little Ava to notice. I went to the storage room and grabbed a hiking backpack, a hunting knife and a walkie-talkie. I shoved the walkie-talkie in a side pocket. I went back into the kitchen and got out six water bottles and shoved them into my backpack. I went to the cupboards and grabbed a couple granola bars and shoved them in there also. I zipped up the backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I grabbed an orange and head outside. I ate the orange as I headed up the mountain. It wasn’t like a huge mountain, just a really tall hill covered in a thick forest. Once I finished my orange I grabbed a large stick and used as a staff while walking up the inclined hill. I could hear birds singing their songs, a fresh water stream somewhere in the distance and crickets chirping. The sun was slowly rising and beads of sweat had now come to my forehead. My legs were burning and I wanted to rest. I kept walking up knowing I was close to the top. I had finally reached the top. I sat down on a boulder and got out a water bottle. I drank it thirstily. I put down the water bottle and checked the time on my watch. It was now 8:52 Am. Not bad really. I sighed and leaned against the boulder letting my skin soak up the sun. Soon my eyes closed and I slept.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now