Chapter 3

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We had hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner, like we usually eat. No one has really talked to me since Thomas and I did. I don’t really mind it; I’m not that sociable anyways. Once we were done eating and cleaning up we decided to go to sleep since we all had a long day. I walked back to my tent the moonlighting my way. I changed into my pajamas, black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. I had a little fire pit in my tent area just in case I got to cold or I wanted to have my own fire. I wasn’t that tired so I decided to light a small fire. I sat on the stump with my guitar out, the fire providing light. I started strumming it, humming a tune then started to sing. (Paradise – Coldplay, acoustic I DO NOT OWN)

When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

So she ran away in her sleep

Dream of Para, Para, paradise

Para, Para, Paradise

Para, Para, paradise

Every time she closed her eyes. I kept singing and playing the guitar. Once I finished the song I put out the fire and went back to my tent. I placed my guitar back in its case then went to bed. I fell asleep instantly.

            I woke up to birds chirping and the sound of nature. It was truly a beautiful way to wake up. I stretched and changed into a pair of jean shorts that came to my mid thigh, a green tank top and my black vans. I brushed my hair then got out of my tent. It was about ten or eleven; I tend to sleep in late…  Anyways I made my way to the cabin and went inside to see everyone was up. I blushed and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair again. I don’t like putting my hair up. I walked out of the bathroom just as they started making lunch. I didn’t like being inside for too long of a time so I decided to head out.

“Mom can you tell me when lunch is ready I’m going to go outside.” I say.

“Of course sweetheart.” She smiles.

“I think all of you should go outside.” Tasha suggested. Will was the only one to complain but our mom got him out. We all walked outside. I noticed Tori were sticking really close to Thomas. Wow, she already formed a crush on the dude and we just got here. I roll my eyes, she’s one of those people I like to call ‘Typical teenage white idiot girls’ aka TTWIG’s.

“So what should we do?” I turned around to the group.

“Let’s play tag!” Ava giggled.

“Ok nose goes to see who the tagger is!” Will says.

“On the count of three.” I say. “One, Two, Three! Nose goes!” I yell and touch my finger to my nose. We all did but Thomas was the last one.

“Ok Thomas you’re the tagger.” I said.

“That’s not bloody fair, I didn’t know what nose goes was.” He pouts.

“Too bad!” Ava says. I smile. We play tag until it’s time to go eat. Thomas lost; he didn’t get a single person. We are going to finish after lunch.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now