Chapter 11

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When I wake up my head is pounding and I feel sicker then a dog. I get up and fail, falling back on my bed. The world around me is so spinning. I lie there for a couple of minuets then slowly get up. My head is pounding more, the world is spinning, my muscles are sore, I'm freezing but I'm sweating, and my stomach is doing back flips. I put my hands to my head and rest my elbows on my knees. I might throw up. I get up quickly and unzip my tent as fast as possible and I hurl right there outside on the ground. I get down on my hands and knees and throw up everything in my stomach. I god I feel absolutely horrible. Once all of it has been taken from my stomach I lie down in my tent. The taste of barf is in my mouth and it's absolutely disgusting. My stomach is still flipping. I need to get up I'm so sore. I lie there until I finally get enough strength to lift myself up. I slip on my vans and a hoodie and I get out the tent, barely being able to stay on my feet. It's like nine in the morning. I finally make it to the cabin; I tripped and fell several times, and got in the door. I almost vomit again but I swallow it, ew. By the look my mom is getting me I look as bad as I feel. She rushes over to me and guides me to the couch. I literally fall onto the couch.

"Oh my goodness! Fall are you ok?" She asks. I shake my head. She runs to I assume the bathroom. Will comes up to me and sits next to me. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Everything." I manage to say, smiling a little. He gives a small smile. My mom, well our mom rushes back in with a wet washcloth and a thermometer. She puts the rag on my head; it's soft and cool bringing some relief.

"Under the tongue." She says and jabs the thermometer in my mouth. I stick it under my tongue and wait for it to beep. After a minuet it beeps and she snatches it out of my mouth. Her expression terrifies me.

"107.3 we need to get her to the hospital now." My mom says getting up. I close my eyes, to tired to keep them open. I hear someone grab the keys.

"Who can lift her up?" I hear my mom ask.

"I can." I hear a British boy say.

"Ok be gentle." My mom says. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted up bridal style and then a soft sway of someone walking.

"Ava get a bucket she looks like she's going to puke." My mom says. I feel a little something placed on my lap. I hear people shuffling out of the cabin and then a car start. I feel myself being lifted up and then sat up. I instantly opened my eyes and hurled in the bucket. I stopped and leaned back in the seat of the car. Thomas leaned over and buckled me in. I smiled slightly. My mom started driving and I shut my eyes. Soon I don't know how long, we got to the hospital. Thomas unbuckled me and picked me up bridal style. My mom and him rushed in the hospital and I closed my eyes.

"You'll be ok Autumn." I hear Thomas say. I feel myself being put down on a bed then lots of shouting. My head starts pounding harder and my stomach wants to empty again even though there is nothing to empty. Soon I let myself drift off wanting it to all be over.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now