Chapter 12

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When I open my eyes bright lights blind me. I have to blink a few times before I can be able to see. Once I get my eyesight back somewhat back, I look around to see I am in a hospital. I sit up my whole body aching but not as much. I'm still trying to wake up but I can see several figures standing around me. Once my eyes adjust I see my mom, Drake, Will, Tori, Tasha, Mark, Ava and Thomas standing around my hospital bed. Everyone is smiling. I open my mouth to say something then I close it.

"You've been out for a day." Tori says. I open my mouth to say something again but I get cut off yet again so I close my mouth.

"You had a high fever but you're ok now." Will says.

"I was going to ask, how do I look?" I laugh. Everyone laughs.

"So when am I going to get out of here?" I ask. My mom takes my hand in hers.

"Today since you woke up." She smiles. I smile back.

"Well good let's go I want to get back to camping!" I say. Everyone laughs again. The doctor walked in and told me that I could leave in a few hours after he made sure I was 100% good. When they finally released me my mom helped to the car because I was sore from lying in bed all day, even though I do that like 24/7. Once we got back to the campsite it was already four in the afternoon. My mom made sandwiches but I got lucky and she made me some rice. I love rice. Once we finished eating we sat down on the couch. I sat next to Thomas and Will. Tori was next to Thomas and Ava was next to Will. Tori was babbling on about a movie she watched that Thomas was in and Thomas looked like he was about to shoot himself. I laughed. We all just chatted away but I stopped because I really good song was stuck in my head but I could only play it on piano. Dang. I just softly hummed it. When the sun started to set I couldn't help myself but going outside and sitting on the grass just watching the sunset on the horizon of the lake. No one bothered me, which was good. It was absolutely beautiful; the orange and red of the glowing sun melting in with the shades of blues from the sky, the clouds turning a light shade of pink and the dark blue of the night sky on the outskirts of the horizon making it pop with beauty. Then the sun just touching the horizon of the lake making it reflect its beautiful mixed colors into the water. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I really wish I had my phone or camera with me to take a picture. I sighed at its everlasting beauty. Suddenly someone came and sat down next to me. I looked over and saw everyone had sat next to me. Will on one side, Tori on the other. I smiled and continued watching the sunset. Once the sun had completely set and the moon was just above the horizon everyone decided to go to bed. I started walking to my campsite but my mom stopped me.

"You're sleeping in the cabin for two nights." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because just in case you get sick again and we can't reach you in time. You're going to be sleeping with Ava in her little room." She said. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Wait let me go get my pillows." I say and I head to my tent. Once I get there I grab my pillows and my book, 'Elemental' and I head back to the cabin. When I get there everyone is already in bed. I sigh and find little Ava's room. It was a medium sized bedroom with a bunk bed and a little dresser. Ava was already asleep on the top bunk so I put my stuff on the bottom bunk and I got nice and cozy. I tried to sleep but it was hard. I hate sleeping in this cabin it smells like… cabin. I sigh and get up. I walk to the living room and sit down on the couch, the only light coming from the moon from a window. I stare out the window and see a really bright star. I smile and walk up to the window still staring at the star. I lean my nose on the glass. I keep staring at the star and its beauty. Suddenly someone touches my shoulder and I whip around really fast almost punching them in the face. I see Thomas standing back holding his hands in surrender.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He whispers.

"It's fine just don't do it again." I smile. He looks out the window and points to the star.

"Were you staring at that star?" He asks. I nod my head.

"It's beautiful." He says. I just nod my head again. He looks at me and I look at him. His face is light up with the moons light.

"Why do you call me Autumn?" I ask out of the blue.

He chuckles. "Well that's your name isn't it?"

"Well yeah, but no one calls me that. Everyone calls me Fall."

"Well Autumn is much prettier then Fall, because autumn is a beautiful season filled with brilliant, beautiful colors and the temperature is near perfect. Fall is some wanna-be autumn and you're not a wanna-be." He says. I smile.

"What about the other seasons? Winter is absolutely marvelous, spring is beautiful and summer is amazing." I say.

"Well winter is a beautiful season but I think autumn beats it by a long shot. The others are horrible. Autumn is the best. It's beautiful and not too cold and not too hot. Autumn is my favorite season."

"Wow I think you're being season-ist (Like racist, but something against seasons. XD, is it an actual thing?)" I laugh.

He laughs. "Seasonist?"

"Yeah people need to realize all the seasons are beautiful and unique." I say.

"Ok you go spread the word to the world about not to be Seasonist." He laughs.

"I think I will." I say and I walk off. He stops me and turns me around to face him.

"You're wonderful Autumn." He says.

"Why thank you." I smile as I mock his accent.

"You're welcome." He says in a horrible American accent. I have to bite my lip from laughing to loud. He playfully pushes me and I head to the couch. I plop down and he sits next to me. We sit there silently for a while until he speaks up.

"Well we should really be getting to bed. Goodnight Autumn." He says getting up. I get up.

"Goodnight Thomas." I say. He smiles and kisses my forehead, making me blush. He walks me back to Ava's room and I head in. He leaves and I shut the door and crawl into bed. I wonder what's going to happen after this trip. Are we just going to stop talking to each other? Are we going to keep dating? Are we going to break up? I mean we may never even see each other again…

"Don't get too attached Autumn, he's just a boy." I whisper to myself. I close my eyes and fall asleep quicker then I thought I would have.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now