Chapter 10

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Being as lazy as I am, I didn’t get up until noon. I smiled and sat up in my bed. I can hear the birds chirping outside. Ah what a wonderful day… Time to read! I grabbed one of my favorite books ‘Marked’ by Kim Richardson; it’s the first book of the most amazing book series called Soul Guardians. I love it’s absolutely amazing. I snuggled up in my bed and started to read, the sunlight shining into my tent gave me light to read from. I sighed happily and started to read. I’m hungry but I don’t want to get out of bed. Then I remembered my hiking bag. I reached over and attempted to grab the bag but epically failed and fell off the air mattress landing on my face.

“Ouch.” I say pushing myself up. I grabbed the bag and sat up on my bed. I pulled out a granola bar and munched on it. I lie back down and read and ate. Today was going to be a good day. As I was reading, Kara Nightingale and David McGowan (The main characters, well mainly Kara but anyways, I don’t own them so yeah… or the book or series) kissed and then I remembered my kiss, Thomas and I’s kiss. We kissed. I suppressed a shiver. He asked me out, I said yes. Why did I say yes again? I shook off the feeling and kept reading. I've read this book like a MILLION times, no joke. About an hour past and I finished the book. I get up to stretch and grab the next book, 'Elemental', humming as I stretch. I lie down and start on it only to be interrupted by my tent being opened. I quickly act asleep. I hear someone close the tent and just stand there.

"I know you're not asleep I heard you humming." I hear Thomas say. Crap. I stay fake sleeping.

He chuckles. "Don't make me drag you out."

"You wouldn't dare." I said into my pillow.

"Is that a challenge?" He says.

"Leave me alone I'm tired." I complain.

"Nope you need to eat."

"I have granola bars."

"That won't last you all day."

"Maybe they will."

"What if they don't?"

"Then I will starve."


"Because I'm to lazy to get out of bed."


"Why are you asking so many questions?"


"Because why?"

"Because I can and you need to get up."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'.

"Yep." He says popping the 'p'.

"Nooooooooooooooo." I whine.

"Yesssssssssssssssss." He mocks me. I sit up and glare at him. He laughs.

"Get out." I say.

"Are you going to get up?" he asks.

"Only to grab my socks because my feet are cold." I say.

"You need to get up and get some fresh air." He says. I stand up, walk over to the little zip up tent window and unzip it letting in air. I face him, smiling and putting my hands on my hips. He glares at me.

"Fresh air." I say gesturing towards the window.

"Ha, ha very funny." He says with a sarcastic eye roll. I go and lie down back on my air mattress, well more like plopping down on my air mattress making me bounce. Once I finally get settled I grab my book and start to read, completely ignoring Thomas. He finally gives up and lies down on my bed with me. I feel a tingling inside of me when our shoulders touch. I blush.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now