Chapter 6

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I felt someone touch my arm and my eyes instantly snapped open. Thomas was staring over with a very worried expression. He pulled out a walkie-talkie and pressed the button to speak.

“Found her, she’s fine.” He says then it was replaced by static.

“Oh thank the heavens! Get back both of you.” I hear my mothers voice say.

“Will do Mrs. Rousse.” He says and puts the walkie-talkie away. I sat up and finally looked around. The sun was getting close to disappearing from the horizon and darkness will soon replace the soft orange glow of the sky. I checked my watch. 7:12 pm. Crap! I stood up, Thomas jumped back in surprise. I grabbed my bag that was lying besides the boulder I was on and slung it over my shoulders. I started walking down the hill. Thomas jogged up to me.

“What were ya thinkin?” He asks sternly.

“What do you mean what was I thinking? I accidently fell asleep.” I say as we continue to walk down the side of the hill/mountain.

“Everybody was worried about ya.” He says quieter now.

“Well I am fine.” I say.

“Your mother told me to go find ya, luckily I did.” He says.

“Yeah I figured that.” I rolled my eyes, for some reason I am not in the mood to talk. I know I am going to get in trouble for sleeping and everything. My mom will punish me; her punishments are always taking something away from us. What will my mom take? I shake my head in frustration. My legs started burning as we continued to walk.

“You look angry.” Thomas says. I look at him.

“Well nah. Of course I’m angry.” I say looking forward again.

“Why?” He asks.

I sigh. “Because I was being stupid and slept, now I’m going to get in trouble.” I say. He doesn’t say anything. After another hour and a half we finally make it back to the cabin. Everyone is waiting outside. My mom engulfs me in a hug.

“I thought you were dead or something.” She says. She releases me and I let my head hang ready for the punishment.

“I’ve already punished you.” She whispers. Fear strikes me. What did she take? I instantly turn around and walk quickly to my tent area. I run as soon as I see my tent open. Fear swells inside of me. I jump in my tent and look around. My bed is still there, my duffel bag is still there, but my… my guitar case is gone and so are my books. My heart starts to race. No, no, no! I drop to my knees she can’t do this. She took the only things that actually mattered to me. I put my face in my hands and quietly sob. I feel someone put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I shake it off (No, not Taylor Swift’s song…) and stand up. Thomas is there with sorrow in his eyes but I am in no mood to be comforted by a boy I barely knew or anyone in fact.

“Autumn-“ He starts but I cut him off.

“No, just leave Thomas. I don’t want to talk right now.” I say.

“I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” He says sadly.

“I’m obviously not ok! My own mom took what little happiness I had in my life away.” I say. “Just go, I want to be alone.”

He opens his mouth to say something but I point out my tent door. He looks at me with hurt and anger in his eyes and then leaves. I zip up my tent and lie down on my air mattress. I’m angry because I needed those things near me or somewhere I could access them. It comforted me to know I could just drift off into a story or make a new song or just simply playing the guitar not singing just listening to its sweet melodic rhythms that made me fall in love with the guitar. Now I only have my voice to sing with, nothing spectacular about a voice. You could never sing exactly like a guitar. But it’s the only choice I have to keep myself from going insane. I was in deep depression before I played any instruments. Even singing wouldn’t help. Before I got my guitar, I played the piano in the sunroom we had at home. I would constantly play it. I never talked to my mom or either of my siblings I would just play and I was happy.  After a while I started experimenting with new instruments. That’s when I played the guitar and fell in love with it. That’s what kept me happy, my guitar. I hum a small lullaby and soon fall asleep even though I slept for the whole day.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now