Chapter 34 - Peace

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I slept peacefully. I experienced no nightmares whatsoever. It was a relief from the demons that had been haunting my sleep for the past couple of days.

I woke up to the sound of Tsubaki's light snores. His arms were still around me. I smiled to myself and snuggled in closer to him. I threw my eyes open upon realising where I was. I was... Laying... Next to... Tsubaki... I slept in his bed... With him...

I blushed uncontrollably, lifting his arms and removing myself. I leaned against the frame of his bed and covered my face.

I sat there for a little while, reflecting on what had just happened. I wanted to be angry at myself for doing it, but I was more angry at myself for enjoying it.

"Yui-chan drools when she sleeps~" Tsubaki laughed.

I uncovered my face quickly. Tsubaki propped himself up his elbow, grinning at me mischievously. How long had he been awake?

"No I don't!" I refuted.

He pointed to a small wet patch on his shirt. I was mortified.

"I'm so sorry! I'll wash it out. I can't believe I did that!" I buried my face in my hands, dying from embarrassment.

I felt a small shift of weight on the bed. I felt Tsubaki's grip on my wrist and I flinched involuntarily. Why was I still so shaken up by what happened yesterday? He pulled my hand away from my face and I the other hand drop down as I watched him. "If you do that, I can't see your face," he pouted.

I fidgeted with my shirt. "... So what?"

"It's the best start to the day for me!" he replied happily.

He gave one of those happy laughs and grinned at me.

I found myself grinning too.

"Are you better now?" he asked, rather concerned. I thought back to my behaviour the previous night when I'd come to sleep in his room. He must have been quite alarmed.

I'd got him involved with this. It was his right to know what had happened. But I didn't want to tell him... At least not yet.

I nodded. "Can I tell you about it another time?"

He reluctantly agreed. I could tell he was really curious, but he was being considerate and not pressing the issue. I was grateful for that.

"How about I give you another hug?~" Tsubaki outstretched his arms and leaned towards me. I jumped out of the way right before he got to me, and he fell down on to the bed. I stood up and he complained. "Yui-chan, nooooooo, come back~"

I padded around his bed, towards the door. "Thank you for letting me sleep here last night, Tsuba-chan. I'll see you later."

"You're welcome to come back any time!" Tsubaki encouraged hopefully as I left his room. As I walked to my own, I quickly realised it was a Saturday. That was a relief. I don't think I'd be up for school after all that's happened. As I opened my door, Azusa came out of his room.

He noticed me and said good morning. I greeted him back and excused myself. I shut my door and exhaled deeply. A few seconds earlier and Azusa would have seen me leaving Tsubaki's room. That would've caused all sorts of trouble I'd much rather avoid.

I plopped onto my bed, but I seemed to be quite well-rested, which was great considering the past couple of nights I'd had. I lay there a while, considering what I should do today. After not managing to come up with anything after a while, I lifted myself up and changed into casual clothes, brushed my hair and looked for my phone. I found it under my pillow and switched it on. I had a few messages.

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