Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Nia Nal - Siblings Part 1

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Prompt by: FullChicken4455

You were absolutely done with this week. Had it not been for your mom asking for the four of you to be together as her one last wish, you would've continued staying the hell away. All you had to deal with was another dinner and you would be free. 

"Are you sure you can't stay another week, (y/n)?"

"I'm sorry, mom. I can't lose another week or I might get fired. I promise to visit as often as I can."

Both Alex and Kara scoff at your words. They knew you weren't going to visit after this week. You wanted to tell them something but was interrupted by your phone ringing. You ignored it the first time but then your mom insisted on you answering after it rang a second time. 

"It's not important. They can wait."

"No, they can't. Just go answer it. What if it's work?"

You sigh and excuse yourself as you make your way out of the dining room to answer the call. 

"Maggie? What's going on?"

"Listen, I'm only calling you because we're friends. Kara got herself into some trouble."

"What trouble are we talking about, Maggie?"

You could already feel a headache coming on as started to explain what happened. 

"She stole thousands of dollars from a woman named Lena Luthor. I think you've done some business with her. Listen, if you can convince her to drop the charges after you pay her what Kara stole, I'm sure this will all go away."

"I'll talk to her, thank you so much Maggie."

"No problem, take care."


You end the call and make your way to the dining room. 

"What the fuck were you thinking Kara? Stealing money from the Luthors?! That's low even from you."

"I didn't steal anything from her! I don't even know her."

"I know you, Kara. You borrow and steal money from whoever you can. How much did you steal? a hundred? two-hundred? three-hundred thousand? How much is it going to take to make it all go away?"

"I don't need you to make it all away because I didn't steal anything!"

"Then why the hell was an officer calling me that they were looking for you, Kara?!"

Nia knew this was going bad. She needed to interrupt the two of you before someone said something they would later regret. She was the only one who could get the three of you to stop fighting. 

"Guys, stop fighting. Mom wished for us to get together for one last week without any fights and the two of you are ruining that."

Kara was not going to let anyone tell her to shut up. 

"You know what Nia. You can't say shit. If you can't tell your husband anything about his cheating then you can't tell me anything about the yelling."

"Kara! Apologize to your sister!"

Kara laughs at her mom. She was tired of everyone. She was tired of everyone seeing her as the bad child when everyone had all these secrets.

"No. Not until you tell my sisters that you aren't actually dying. I heard you! I heard you and aunt Astra talking about using it as an excuse just so we could all come to visit together."

Everyone starts to argue with the other. The voices and yells get all mixed up that you don't even know who is talking to who. It's not towards the end when Kara and Alex decide to gang up on you. 

"You think you're the best! You think you're so better than us. That you're the smartest and the prettiest. It was always fucking you!"

Alex yells to you. She had enough of keeping everything to herself. She had been the one to stay behind and take care of the bakery shop with your mother while you went out to the world and achieve your dreams. It wasn't fair. 

"And you always rub it in our faces that we're useless!"

Kara adds. 

You wiped away your tears and stood up from your seat. Enough was enough. You were tired of them constantly criticizing everything that you did. It didn't matter that you sacrificed everything to help them, they were always going to see you as the bad guy. 

"Why are you taking it out on me because I achieved something in my life? Is it my fault that I worked so hard to get what I have right now? Is It my fault that I have the means to help you? Do you even know what I've been through to help each and every one of you? What I went through? What I had to give up? No, right? You know nothing because none of you thought to ever ask me if I'm fucking okay!" You took a deep breath and turned to Alex. "You, Alex? Did you ever hear my complain when you went out in the world to achieve your dream while I stayed behind and helped mom and dad with the bakeshop. I pushed back my dreams and goals and that's okay because I wanted for you to achieve YOUR dream. Mom and dad didn't tell you anything when you came back to help them.  You never told them anything about what happened, simply pushing them away despite their best intents to help you. It didn't matter that you pulled back from them, they still favored you. And that's okay because you're my sister, my family and I love you." Wiping away the few tears that had managed to slip, you faced Kara. "Kara? Do you remember that I had to work 3 jobs just so I could help you pay for your education when the bakeshop wasn't doing so well?  It didn't matter that I had to yet again push my dreams and goals back again because you wanted to go to college and I wanted to make sure you achieved what you wanted to do. I never complained when you dropped on your third year despite all that money I had given you because you're my sister, my family and I love you. I just wanted for everyone to achieve what they wanted. I didn't care if it pushed me back a couple of years." Closing your eyes, you took another deep breath and opened them again to find everyone looking at you. They were all shocked to hear this from you but you didn't care. You were tired. You grabbed your purse and made your way to the door. You opened the door, only to turn around before walking out. "You're all I have left guys. I love you. You're my family but I always feel like I'm the enemy. Not a sister or even part of the family." You tell them as you make your way out. 

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