Kara Danvers - Earth-1

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Summary: You've been living in Earth-1

Prompt by: a_lone_soul

Kara hadn't been to happy when you had decided to stay in Earth-1. She would have rather you stayed back in Earth-38 to have you close. The two of you had only been reunited for a couple of years. But ultimately it was up to you and the only thing she could do was wish you luck as well as promising to visit you as often as she could.

You've been living a year on your own. Kara had introduced you to her friends in Team Flash so you weren't necessarily alone in the world. It was nice of her to do so but you still kept your distance from them. Only coming over to talk to them when you wanted to visit Kara.

"Barry? What are you doing here? I thought you were currently with an alien crisis back in central city."

"Now is not the time and I'm sorry for doing this but we need you."


One minute, you're standing near your front door and the next, you're at S.T.A.R. labs.

"What the hell Barry?!?!"

"Wait! Before you beat me. I know this is asking too much, but we need your help. Kara and the others have been mind controlled. The only way to return them back to themselves is to destroy this machine. You're the only one strong enough to do it.

"How do you know I'm strong enough."

"Because you're Kara's sister! You look more like Kara than Alex so I just assumed that you're Kryptonian as well."

"Kara is going to be pissed when she hears what you did."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm taking my chances."

You followed him out to the machine and helped Oliver with the other heroes. When Barry signals you, you speed over to him, slamming your fist down on the machine. The change is immediate as everyone regains their conscious.


Kara rushes over to you. Pulling you into a hug.

"How did you find out that we needed your help?"

You turn to Barry, laughing when you see him turn around.

"Barry dragged me out of my place and said that you needed my help."

Kara walks over to Barry, grabbing him by his suit.

"buut he did it so that I can help you. Don't get too mad at him."

Kara lets go of him.

"You're so lucky."

"Now lets get this show on the road. I'm already here so might as well help you."

Kara being the overprotective sister that she was, did not want you to go.

"Oh come on, Kara. I trained with you and Alex before moving over here. Let me stretch out my legs."

Everyone around you, all try to convince Kara to let you join the fight.

"Fine but when I tell you run away, you run away. Got it."

You nod and kiss her cheek

"Got it. Now lets go kick some alien butt!"

Everyone cheers and start planning out how they were going to take them down. With a role assigned to everyone, they all head out to do their part.


You're exhausted by the end. Perhaps, you should go out in the sun more as you let Kara carry you to the couch. The two of you had said goodbye to everyone when the fight had been over.

"This is why I didn't want you to help us."

"Well it turned out fine in the end. I'm just a little tired."

"You need to lay on the sun bed. I don't like that you're practically drained."

You nod in agreement. Shocking Kara as you never agreed with her on anything.

"Wait really? No comment or anything?"

"Yeah, really. I think it's time I headed back home. Fighting alongside with you was fun. I can't imagine how much fun it will be with Alex. I miss you guys."

"Awww. We missed you too. We just didn't want to tell you anything because you seemed happy here."

"And I was. But I think I'll be happier when I'm back home with Eliza and my two sisters."

Kara takes out the controller Cisco had given her and opens up a portal.

"Wait, where are you going?'

"To get Alex so we can pack."

You shake your head and slowly stand up to walk over to her.

"I don't really have much here. I left all my things back in National City. All I have are clothes and pictures that are already saved on my phone."

"Oh! That's even better then. Alex is going to be so happy and I'll finally be able to introduce you to Lena."

You smirk, already knowing the whole story behind them. Alex had visited a month before, talking about how they had been clueless about liking each other.

"It was Alex wasn't it?"

"Mhm. Now lets go. I'm excited to meet this Lena."

Kara groans loudly before stepping inside the portal. She might've missed you but she did not miss how you and Alex would gang up on her.

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