Cat Grant - Mentor

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AN: I'm not sure if I have all the prompts on the list so let me know if your character is missing

AN: I'm not sure if I have all the prompts on the list so let me know if your character is missing

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Cat was going to kill you. You had been dodging her calls for the past few days and showing up unannounced to her office was just a big no. She liked to follow her schedule and you would derail everything that had been planned for the day. Stepping out of the elevator, you make your way through the office to the desk of Cat's secretary.

"I know that I don't have an appoint with Cat but I was hoping that I could talk to her real quick. It won't take long."

Kara looks up at you with stars in her eyes. Cat was her #1 idol and you came in a close second. You have to wave a hand near her face to catch her attention again.

"I'll need to ask Ms. Grant. I'll be right back."

You nod and watch through the glass of the office as Cat glares at you. She would let you in but not without lecturing you. Kara quickly walks out.

"You can go ahead and walk in."

You thank her and walk inside. The entire time that you used to walk up to her chair, she kept quiet while staring at you.

"So, you are still alive. It's nice of you to grace us with your presence, Ms. (l/n)."

Cat, I..."

She raises a finger up to silence you. You keep quiet, not wanting to ruin things further.

"You think that it's okay to ignore all my calls and messages to then show up at my office like nothing happened. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you. I had all my contacts try to get in touch with you but you hid from them. You have 5 minutes to explain yourself, (y/n)"

Cat was furious at you but yet still kept a neutral tone. It was chilling to see her be so calm.

"I'm going towards a downwards spiral. Things at work haven't been great. My parents are breathing down my neck about some of the things that have gone public in recent days and it's just all been mentally draining. I didn't want to bother you with any of this because you've already done so much for me and I've never been able to return the favor."

Cat sighs as she sees you start to cry. She looked over at her workers to find that everyone was staring inside her office. With one look and they all turned away.

"I'm glad that you were able to recognize the signs of what was happening and that's a good thing. I've known you for so long, seen how you struggled to let people in after the trauma that your parents have caused and this is the first time that you've ever asked for help. I'm proud of you (y/n). I'm a little disappointed that you pushed me away at first but I'm glad that you're here." Cat stands up and makes her way around her desk to place a comforting hand on your back. "I'll step in and help in any way you need. You were brave enough to let your guard down on me for the first time. Now come on, chin up." You raise your head to look at her. Cat smiles and wipes your tears away with her tissue. "We got a lot of work to do."


"We're not all dreaming about this, are we?"

Nia asked Kara and Winn.

"Nope. They're apparently best friends and somehow the whole world had no clue about this friendship."


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any celebrity or character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Dr. Manning -

Alex Danvers - Fall


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